Those amber eyes

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My eyes opened and I felt immense pain hit me on back of my hand. Instinctively my hands raised but I found that there were tied behind my back while I was tied to a tree.

Panic started building in me as I finally analysed the surrounding. I was in the forest, the one behind the concert arena. It was dark and I was held captive here. There was no human around to look out if I managed to escape. Instantly I wriggled in an attempt to loosen the ropes around me.

It was hurting as the rough edge of ropes cut through my skin but I kept trying. I tried and tried causing my skin to cut open because I could feel the warm blood trickle down my wrist and soared waist.

I yelped out in frustration, not sure what was happening. And like an answer to my frustration and questions, a tiger walked in.

I sucked in my breathing, watching in fear and awe as I looked at the royal predator walk towards me. I was terrified , yes, but I knew somehow the tiger was not here to kill me. It had other motives.

Was I insane to try to think reason behind animal actions?

"What do you want?" I asked as calmly possible.

I mean there was no one else to see that I was crazy enough to talk to animals.

And then something outwardly happen and the in front of me replacing the tiger was man. No, that was completely natural for a man to turn into an animal, I mean I truly believe in were-animals.

The man the tiger turned into was Eibhir Mainle.

I was freaking out and there were various all sensible reasons.

Firstly I was tied up to a tree. Secondly a tiger just shifted into a man right in front of my eyes and then it turned out that the man was Eibhir. I guess I was insane and needed to see a shrink.

Somewhere deep down I knew I had seen this tiger in my dream, or maybe heard? I have heard his growl in my nightmares. This was not making sense even in my head.

"Surprised Amber Mikelson?" Eibhir said with a nasty look on his face.

I just glared at him.

"Why am I here Eibhir?" I asked bravely.

God, that man can turn into a tiger! Freaking whole striped tiger!

"Why do you think?" He counter questioned narrowing his eyes at me.

"I don't know." I replied keeping up the brave facade.

"You are important Amber, really important. Because I never step out to do any mission by myself. I am the leader. But now my best soldier refused to finish you so I have to do the job yourself." He said walking like a true predator around me.

My eyes followed him around too scared to let him out of sight and turned back into tiger.

Werewolves are movies and book but were- tiger...shudder.

"Important? Why? Because I click pictures? You are making no sense here." I asked thoroughly confused by his words.

He laughed darkly and I cringed.

"My dear Amber, you are selected by prophecy. Well the prophecy said something special about you which I obviously can't reveal to you not being one of us." He said a sneer forming on his face.

"One of you? What are you, gang of shapeshifters?" I said sarcastically.

"Right on Mikelson." He said making me gape in shock.

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