Magically Bonded

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Vertians, or better known as shapeshifters to humans.

Back in 16th century, people believe that a savage beast was sent by the devil to devour humans. Some tried praying , while some tried to kill it but it was all in vain. It came out in the darkness of night and the vanished into thin air.

Almost a century people stayed unknown to the fact that there was not one but a family of beasts. And the reason they were not visible at day time because at the day time they walked among humans looking just like them.

They were the vertians, the shapeshifters, the were-s.

These beasts were created when a woman experimenting with the magic of a special purple flower as she gave the liquid to her husband, henceforth having vertian kids. The liquid taken in large amount made the wife and husband savage, more animal.

Among the two siblings, the brother was the docile one, last one to get the effect of the magical potion.

He was the first of the Vertian, who was the leader of a tribe called Hoods.

His family died but in the process, the effect, the bite, the magic potion helped to increase the number of such shapeshifters. While some turned out to be cold-blooded killers, some were more in control and managed to live a normal life.

The brother gathered the good ones and decided to become a protector than a killer, to use his power for good than for evil. Hood tribe was formed and they have been silently guarding us humans from the wild ones, now called Quantums.

Look around people, they have been here for centuries. You never know, maybe even Tom Cruise is a Hood. But they have been your guardians for a long time now.

The purple flower mentioned is still available somewhere and we still have people searching for it and cast the magic but whenever God creates a demon, he creates an angel to protect the mankind.

I re-read my article and was proud of it. I wanted to write it for months and finally, my senior agreed. What made him do that, I have no idea?

Anna was behind it probably but I didn't question.

It would be in tomorrow's newspaper and I was glad, even though it will be on the third page hidden in the little corner of the paper.

Ian was out for his major album signing, new label contract for more than a week. Ten days to be exact and I missed him too much. We called and texted but we barely had time. I knew he wouldn't be here for next few days more as Liosa called and told me that they had their album launch in the city, thanks to a new label.

I was happy for him, really proud but also mildly worried. Why? Because he was really handsome, he is going to be a star, what if he found someone new and hot in the city?

Besides missing him, I missed rest of the team. Matt...Leo now turned out loved his brother more than he liked me. He told me daily how Ian missed me and how he would never choose another girl.

And other than that, he was busy being a leader.

Hoods didn't look at me with hate now but they didn't like me either. They just silently acknowledged me as if showing respect. My father's clinic was going too well when half the shapeshifter decided to get them self-treated at his place after their lethal practice session.

All in all, I was really fine except the fact that I was missing Ian terribly.


"Yeah, we signed the contract. And gosh, it is a huge label." Liosa told me over the phone.

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