Caffeine Addiction

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Two things scared me now, I was never scared but now I was And those two things was; coffee and my best friend. I was never coffee crazy and obviously I don't need it for keep me sharp and alive like humans do. I was a Hood Warrior for crying out loud.

But since she started working in Liquid Heaven, I have to be there for some reason so that I could keep her safe from that Quantum Wolf till she spills her deep and dark secrets.

And her coffee made me addicted to caffeine now, I loved how coffee made by her tasted in my mouth. I have drunk coffee made by Terian, by Josephine but other workers here but never have I desire to have more.

Not to look desperate I alternated the visit. Somehow being there calmed me down.

But it was infuriating watching her work, she completely ignored me which was fine since I didn't needed her attention but she was little bit too friendly with Terian. I have never seen Terian talk with a girl that much, he was the shy one. But now he laughed with her, patted her when she did something good, even touched her to wipe flour or other stupid baking stuff from her.

That was the actual time I could realise the meaning of blood boil.

She laughed and smile too much at her customers which was fine as per her job but the ass holes, vermin of male species in this town paid more than required. It was kind of a relief when I saw her ignore them.

And all this was not weird enough, the weirdest of all was the crease on my forehead which appeared as soon as I saw her over worked, tired and giving weak smiles. The crease was a symbol of worry, obviously I was not worried over her, why would I?

Since she is doing this for me, I was allowed to be a little worried. But she never snapped. Even being tired she was always smiling not only at customers but also at me who is really cold and rude towards her. I didn't wanted to behave that way but she made me all confused and I had no idea what to say.

"What is the problem dude?" Marc asked.

"Amber Mikelson!" I grumbled out and immediately regretted my temper.

I said her name out loud.

"Why is she a problem?" Marc asked genuinely curious.

I inhaled sharply and clench and unclenched my fists trying to release some tension building in my gut.

"She hates me." I said surprising myself by the answer.

I was on edge because she liked the dog me but tend to ignore the human me. I have been rude to her, but I am that way. Can't she be nice to me like she was to others without any reason?

"Nah Man, she doesn't hate you. She might not like you now, but she doesn't hate you." Marc said thumping my back lightly.

"And how do you know?" I was kind of glad he was not teasing me.

"Because a day before yesterday I was in the cafe and Josephine told me about her baking skills and choices. She bakes everything in butterscotch flavour first." Marc said suggestively.

Maybe she likes butterscotch too, then we both will have one thing more in common.

"That doesn't prove anything. I have heard her complaining about me." I said not sharing the fact that the person who heard the complaints was me in dog form.

Marc didn't question on how I heard about the complaints.

"Well, you are not the nicest person to be around . It's just my great personality that I hang with you." He said with a shrug making me smile a bit.

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