My new pet

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Amber Mikelson

My weekend was bad because of that ass-wipe Laserian. I didn't even like the shitty name he had..Laser! It made me gag. A really stupid nickname for such an awesome name.

But it was his personality that really sucked. What was wrong with him? What did I ever do to him? Okay I have noticed he was that way to everyone but he even dared to ask me to leave the town. Who was he, the owner, my father?

Maybe he really was some criminal who killed new people in town and he tried to warn me before making a move.

Well, as soon as I thought this I felt like laughing and I would have if that jerk didn't ruin my mood.

From now on no matter how good looking he was, I will stay away from him. It's not like we had to cross paths daily.

I will not even go near that stupid music store.


"Hi!" A familiar boy greeted me on my home from office on Monday.

It took me a moment but I realised he was one of the band member of The Hoods.

"Umm.. Hi!" I said cautiously.

"I am Maelcurus Mainle." He said extending his hand.

I shook his hand but still looked at him with a frown.

"I don't bite , I promise, well mostly I don't." He said with a friendly smile.

I smiled back a bit relaxed. So Laserian was the only psycho of the band.

"Amber Mikelson." I finally told him my name.

Why is he talking to me?

"So Amber how do you like our town so far?" He asked now walking with me.

"It's beautiful, my kind of place."

"I am glad that you are here to stay then." He said with a twinkle in his eyes.

I laughed out loud at his flirty little comments.

"I am glad someone wants me to stay." As soon as I said it out loud, I realised my mistake.

"Who doesn't want you to stay?" He asked looking surprised.

"No one." I mumbled and thankfully he didn't ask more about it.

"Anyway, how do you know Laser?" He asked and I tsked unintentionally.

"What?" He asked.

"Laser, the nickname sucks." I said blushing a little for being so brazen to an almost celeb.

He laughed merrily not offended or anything.

"Girls love it though. But you didn't answer my question, how does someone sane and beautiful as you know Laserian?" He asked.

"Well I don't know him except the time when he called me a thief for just looking at your music store, or the time when he saved me from falling off the cliff or the time when he was rude like hell to me in the library." I said not realising I was getting loud and angry.

Maelcurus just looked highly amused.

"Wow, he never gives any girl so much attention." He said whistling lowly.

"Because no one would want that kind of attention."

"Don't mind him, he is jerk to everyone, even me, his best friend." He said with a little pout.

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