Wind of Power

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I was furious, furious enough to kill everyone and anyone in my path. When an injured Iramus came to me I didn't even hear whatever he was saying, my mind focused on one thing and that was finding her.

It didn't take me long to find her because as a panther my senses were sharp enough and now I was desperate. I could smell her from miles away and I had an idea who might have taken her. Running the fastest I have ever had, I reached the small cottage built near our concert area.

Blood, strong stench of blood clouded my vision and my fury doubled. I smashed through the door and saw Eibhir bend over her with a knife in his hand. I knew I had to save her.

I scratched Eibhir without any mercy and slammed his body hard on the wall, making his bones crack. I had no time to ponder about the situation that what will Marc think so see what I did to his dad.

She was trembling with fear, pale and her eyes red with tears. It broke my heart into million pieces to see her this way.

"It will be fine. I am here now." I pulled her in for an embrace, effort to calm her down.

Her heart beat was loud and erratic as she sobbed into my chest. I couldn't bring myself to think that I brought this on her. Because I tried leaving her out of guilt one time and it didn't went well for either of us.

I lifted her face up to see her eyes which talked when she herself couldn't. There was fear, pain and then relief in them.

"L-Liosa." She stammered out the words and pointed behind me.

Shock hit me hard when I saw a limp body of my only human ally. As if Amber knew what I was thinking she nodded and moved ahead with me, still shaking. We both checked for pulse and Amber sighed out in relief when she found the pulse.

Liosa was hit hard on head, back of her head soaked in blood. She was unconscious and in need of immediate medical attention.

"Where will we take her?" Amber asked pretty sure we can't just take her body right through the battle area.

"I can take her to a human doctor." I was not sure what else to do.

I felt myself losing the calm.

"She will die this way," Amber whispered more to herself than me.

And suddenly she got up, her legs still wobbly. She had a new aura of determination.

"Amber." I put a question behind her name as I lifted Liosa in my arms.

"Come with me, we will get her to a bloody doctor. A little threat act will not shake me and make me blind to dying friends." Her tone was bitter even though she was still pale and kind of weak.

I didn't contradict her, it was better to see her courageous than trembling with fear, it was heart breaking to see her cry and weak.

She walked out of the cottage and took direct beeline for the battle area. I had no idea what she was thinking but I didn't say a word as I saw a new fire in her eyes and colour returning to her face. She was angry and she was determined.

I followed her with a limp Liosa in my arm and each time I saw her this way, I felt bile rising up my throat. I have killed people, I have seen them die but holding a dear friend half dead in my arms brought back bad memories.

We were in the area after a while of walking in utter silence and few mumblings from Amber. I was worried that she will walk right in the battle. Few Quantums and Hoods hissed as she closed in but before I could growl and scare them away or yell at Amber to walk away, I saw a miracle unfold before my eyes.

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