Bitter Truth

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I sighed raking a hand through my hair. Everyone knows I am the happy go lucky type. I am, it is the true me, that likes to keep things light in this intense Hood environment when my own friend is so uptight.

But there is the pressure of being son to a Hood leader. I always looked up to my father, the great and loyal Hood leader.

But boy , was I wrong?

Eibhir Mainle is the caretaker of the tribe but he did everything that went against the notion of a caretaker. He plotted, deceived and tried to harm my friend. I can be forgiving but forgetting these things, not possible even in million years.

And here I thought we only have to worry about Quantums when there was a difference among us.

I long avoided my father. Truthfully I was scared of confrontation. I am a coward when it comes to facing difficult emotional situations. I ran from it but now I had to clear it up. It was not for my sake, it was not Laser's sake.

It was for Amber's sake who not only managed to be a great friend to me, she was the one my best friend loved; someone I thought will never know the meaning of love.

Well, he is still in denial like he is in denial that I am the best looking guy in the world. But deep down in his heart he agrees to both the things.

Sighing deeply I rang the door bell. Maid opened the door and I walked to dad' s study without second thoughts or hesitation.

"Maelcurus, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked in his usual calm, authoritative tone.

"Ailis Mattix." I said the name and occupied the chair across him.

There was no emotion on his stoic face.

"What about her? Isn't she Liosa's contact from entertainment industry." He said looking at me with a frown.

"Oh, is that so? Is she just that?" I asked gaining confidence with anger now.

"Should I know what you are trying to say?" He pretended to look clueless triggering my anger.

"Enough!" I yelled and he glared at me.

"Remember your manners Marc." He warned smoothly.

"Should I?"

"What is that suppose to mean?" So he was going to act innocent all along.

"Fine, if you want to hear the bitter truth, then I will say it to your face, father!" I said the words spitefully.

He looked at me with eerie calm.

"You plotted against your own tribe with the Quantums. You tried to kill my friends, you have been treating Laser like a criminal and you allowed the tribe to be in disarray. You know this might result in a battle." I yelled out the words at him.

I felt betrayed and angry that my own father did that.

"And do you think that is all I have done." He said giving me a smile with no remorse in his eyes.

"Tell me Marc, who is the most powerful Hood?" He asked like it was a trick question.

"Laserian." I answered in a heartbeat.

His gaze turned cold and filled with hate.

"Right, you know who was powerful before him?" He asked with contempt I have never heard in my life.

"I don't know."

"His mother, his outcast mother. Who was a ," He laughed darkly, "reformed Quantum. My advisor fell in love with him and married a quantum, the one that can turn into the dark panther. You never wondered why your friend was so cold hearted?"

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