Worth a shot

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Amber Mikelson

Five days, five days were left for the stupid Carnival. But that was not my biggest worry. My biggest worry walked in the cafe with an alarm like bell on the door. Earlier I thought Ian was brooding and dark, definitely good looking but now since I have seen him in my dreams I saw him in a different light.

For the first time in ten years I can remember a dream.

I was trying to pick up a knife but my hands trembled. In front of me was a girl with heavy head injury, another boy lay in the dark lifeless. I choke on my saliva as I noticed a tall silhouette walk towards me. The knife clatter to the ground with too much noise as the tall shadow hit my hand and I bite my lips to prevent the scream.

I do not want to give him the satisfaction.

"You are so fucking powerless." The voice snarled and it vibrated like it was not someone human talking.

I tried to cover my ears blocking his voice, accidently whimpering in the process. This made him laugh and he touched the tip of the knife to my hand. I embrace myself for the pain, the knife scratch through the skin to the veins and warm liquid to trickle both from my injury and my eyes.

But before that fire engulfed me, not burning or hurting fire, fire like warmth that make me gasp in relief. My body that was left energy less warmth surged through it as my assailant was thrown to the wall at my sides. Something broke as he hit the wall.

My saviour sat down on his knees cradling me carefully, his hands running down my hair. His each movement was working its magic on me, as it lit the fire of comfort in my otherwise hurt and cold body.

"It will be fine. I am here now." He whispered in a tone so gentle yet supportive that I felt my heart enjoy each beat.

And then he lifted my face to his with a slight touch of his calloused fingered to my chin. My eyes met his amber ones , Laserian O' Fearghaile sat there protecting me like a shield from everything bad in this world!


The dream was surreal to say the least but by the care filled eyes of Ian I knew it was anything but real. It left me perplexed as to how and why was I dreaming of Laserian.

It was not like I was infatuated. I agree he is damn attractive and all but his moody behaviour with me was not doing any good with his reputation .

"My usual." He said resting his elbow on the wooden counter and looking straight at me.

The look was accompanied by his usual frown.

I nodded and left to get his Butterscotch Latte.

"Amber." He said my name like a whisper and had I not been hyper alert to his every word and action I would have missed it.

"Yes." I answered placing his coffee in front of him.

Amber, my name was just a name but when he said it , it sounded like a melody. Maybe because he was such a good singer!

"Umm, So..have you heard about the carnival?" He asked in a real awkward tone.

And...enter Mr. Blush!

"Yeah I am writing a report for the newspaper team for that day. And I heard you are performing." I said trying to be as calm as possible when I am around him.

"What report?" He asked genuinely curious about it.

Not even my own family was ever interested in my work but he wanted to know, why?

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