Friendly? Not me.

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Morning was my favourite time. I was allowed to be alone without my nagging band mates, calls from manager and media person, training with junior Hoods. It was the time I could just sit and do my favourite thing, read. Historical fiction was my favourite genre. Besides that I can read anything action, thriller, mystery but absolutely no romance!

As if on a cue as soon as I thought about romance, her familiar scent spread inside the small library. She was here, this early, why?

My eyes instantly looked up and I saw her entering and greeting the old man. I groaned inwardly, why the hell she was here!

I stealthily took a peak at her and noticed her reading the newspaper. Her eyes were bright with excitement and slight colour filled her face. There was something in that paper that made her happy. I was intrigued but I continued with reading now reading a single line hundredth time and still not making sense.

From my peripheral vision I noticed her noticing me and my body went stiff with tension. Will she come and talk to me? Should I look up and talk. I should because I wanted to ask her about the nightmare.

But I was not the talker type, especially with girls.

"Laserian!" She said with a level of excitement.

And that pleased me.

"Amber." I said curtly not smiling.

Without asking or even hesitating, she pulled a chair in front of me and made herself comfortable.

Did she have a death wish?

"What are you doing?" I asked sternly and realised my mistake.

I have to be friendly to her.

"I am sitting idiot." She said rolling her eyes at me.

My jaw ticked in anger. She had no fear and no sense. She called me idiot after sitting with me without even asking me.

"Whole library is empty, why here?" I asked in a flat tone.

What are you doing Laserian...friendly remember?

I notice a frown form on her face. Before I could say another word she got up with a dramatic huff and sat away from me. I sighed at my stupidity of losing a good chance.

But with her away I relaxed immediately and looked up at her. Her hair was tied in a high pony tail, some strands lying lose on her face curving around the nape of neck, tip of that strand resting on her collar bone. I felt hot all of a sudden and looked away.

But my eyes had other ideas. It was weird how I couldn't say a single straight friendly word to her, but when she is at a distance I can't seem to look away from her.

Maybe it was warrior instinct, to keep constant eye on the target.

My eyes rested on her legs now covered in shorts leaving the rest to, no I mean look. I had dual feeling of anger and something else. Angry because I don't want anyone else to look at her but with those shorts and those legs that was completely impossible.

Something else I couldn't explain but I bet it was something related to hormones. I had to snatch my eyes away from her and then curse myself million times for my absurd thought process.

And I remembered my small talk with Marc.

"What girl?" I had asked.

"The girl with the camera dude, don't try to fool me." Marc had said with a teasing tone.

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