Task Three: A Knight's Trust

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Welcome, knights! You have shown your dedication and determination by passing through your first trial to knighthood. Remember: Becoming a royal knight is the entire purpose of this competition. You are here to serve your kingdom, your king, and to always do what is asked of you. There are so many rules and regulations to knighthood but only one of them that's always clear: Do As You Are Instructed.

What do you do when two people are giving you two different information?

Today's lovely challenge shall be a real puzzler, so be sure to pay attention in the explanation. It's quite simple when you figure it out so remember not to make this more complicated than it already is.

Everyone has been split up and placed into groups of three. For convenience, these groups have already been picked out. You will be working with people in either the same time zone as you, people you already know, or someone who is close enough to your time zone that it shouldn't be too hard. This is a group task. Don't worry, though, it shouldn't be too hard on you.

In each group of three, the knights will have their own agendas. One of you will be blindfolded, the other will be tied up and the third will be a helper. These will be explained in a moment. Some people will also be flagged as 'Liars', which will also be explained in a moment. Below, you'll find a list of the groups and specific people for each group.

The Groups:


Migolith Male: Rhaegar- TIED UP

Lemaria Male: John Tommson- BLIND

Fallholt: Male: Taran Gassett- HELPER [L]



Tanad Male: Cynesige Tolbert- TIED UP [L]

Miras Female: Trustin Mee- BLIND

Valden Female: Colette Bennett- HELPER



Miras Male: Vere Lennox- TIED UP [L]

Raleith Male: Mavary Valls -BLIND

Alian Male: Eleos Eiríni- HELPER



Oceaf Male: Killian Henry- TIED UP

Oceaf Female: Fennett Abernathy- BLIND

Lemaria Female: Ren Lancaster- HELPER [L]



Galesia Male: Finn Silverstein- TIED UP [L]

Belmoor Male: Edmund- BLIND

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