Rhaegar of Migolith

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Character Name: Rhaegar (RAY-gar)

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Birthplace: Migolith

Physical Appearance: His appearance is so mightily different from the rest of the people in the land, the only thing linking him to those people are his eyes. They seem to stare into your very soul and read your innermost thoughts and intentions. The blue is more piercing and brilliant than the bluest sky.

While his hair is blacker than the blackest night, it falls over his face with unkempt strands shielding his tanned face from the casual glance. If the sun falls upon it, sometimes it will reflect a brown but only occasionally.

He stands tall, well over six feet and he walks with pride in his step, as if he were a prince and he never smiles and never laughs and no-one has heard him speak.

Personality: His personality is as mysterious as his past. He never seems to lose his temper, or to express joy. No one knows what goes behind that mask of a face, and when they try to find out, they are met with a single look which could make the mightiest kings heart quail inside of him

Past: He has told no man about his past, for he cannot remember it. Yet he has one, a past full of blood and violence, of broken love and denial and of hatred. Nightmares follow him from his dreams into his reality and sometimes he is confused to which is which. Nightmares about him raising a knife over an innocent child's body and slitting her throat.

Skills: He is a mighty warrior and knows the art of stealth, the thing is, is that he doesn't know how he knows it, he just does.

Strengths: He is strong and is very, very good at wrestling and fighting with a sword.

Weaknesses: His loss of memory for one and his nightmares and un-named guilt for another. He is also very clumsy at times and rather slow at running and he cannot ride a horse.

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King Artheur: I know the lures of mystery, my son. But if you become one of my Knights, I hope you are willing to cast it aside.

Queen Melinda: I have no comment for the likes of you.

Roland Delmere: A forgotten past may protect your mind from your own sins, but that same past may just come back to strike you from behind like a stalking panther. Pray it remains hidden.

Sir Thomas: A face as handsome as yours shouldn't be haunted so. Win the tournament, my friend, and find joy again.

Sir Adeline: Brain goes hand in hand with brawn. Do not just fight, or just know, but be able to understand what it is you do.

Author Games: A Knight's ValorWhere stories live. Discover now