Chapter 19

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I bang the door with my fist, hoping it to pry open as the door didn't look strong enough to hold some violent slams but I was wrong. Panic rushed through my veins as I tried to think of something; of anything. Angela, my best friend who was missing for almost 15 days, has been found. Then I realized where I was; this was Brian's house. Does this mean Brian kidnapped Angela? Does this mean Brian's the one who was....?

My thoughts trail off at the horrible reality but Angela's hoarse voice from inside brings me back at what I am supposed to do at this moment. "Hang in there Angela, I'll find something to open the door."

I rush to the kitchen and look for a knife. I don't know why I looked for a knife as a knife couldn't possible open a door that strong but I just did. Walking back in front of the door, I tried to enter to knife into the weird looking keyhole but of course, my attempt was down to drain. Urgh!

"Angela," I call out, panicky. "Do you have anything around you or tell me if there's a baseball bat or an axe around here?" I sounded extremely stupid at this moment. How can Angela possibly know any of that; she was the victim here. But then again, she's been here for long enough to know it.

"I..." I hear her struggling voice. "You need to... the key."

The key! That's it. It was here, it was in his room. In panic, I forgot about the weird shaped key I've spotted earlier on his table. Keeping the knife in my back pocket, I storm up the stairs towards his room. I quickly grab the key from the table and rush back downstairs.

The key perfectly fits the keyhole and the lock clicks open. My breathing increases as I push the door open, illuminating light into the dark room. Angela was sitting in the middle of the room, her white blouse was covered in dirt and so was her jeans; its colour almost faded. She lifts her head slowly and I immediately rush towards her.

"Oh god, oh my god, Angela," I say as I untie the rope from her wrists. They were tied pretty tightly and I could see spots of blood coming out from her bruised wrist.

She coughs out as she drops herself on the ground from the chair. I make my way in front of her and cup her face. There was blood coming out from the corner of her lips and she was in tears as she looks at me then hugs me. "Oh Rachelle, I can't explain how happy I am to see you."

"Shh, it's going to be fine," I say as I rub her back gently. "We need to get out of here."

She nods and I help her get to her feet. "What is this room?" I say as I look around, spotting some pictures and notes stuck on the wall. There was also a desk with a computer and few stacks of boxes on one side.

"It's where he does his psychotic planning," Angela manages to say, hatred in her voice.

I let go off her and make my way to the wall that contained the pictures and notes. I gasp as I see pictures of me, William, Keith, Sara, Angela, Olivia and my mom. I frown reading some of the notes about how my life revolved from Oklahoma then to New York. There were some stuff written about Helena Burdett as well but most of the writing was hard to read out. I also spot a picture of me when I was probably in my teens.

"H-he," Angela's voice snaps me back to reality. "He wants to... destroy your life."

"What do you mean?" I scowl, walking back to her.

"I will tell you..... everything, but first we need to get out of here," Angela says and I nod, putting my arm around her shoulder.

As we start walking, a shadow makes its way into the room. I did not have to look up to know who was standing here. Disgust filled inside of me knowing that Brian was the one who has been playing games with me since the very beginning.

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