Chapter 52 - Almost Half Way There

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Hi every one!! Two days to Eid Inshallah so early Eid Mubarak!!!!

Ok, so the link on the side was sent to me by a wattpad friend who would like to remain annonymous, but she knows who she it ;) It's a really amazing nasheed on how we aren't here forever so we shouldn't get too attached. The lyrics are so true mashallah, I got goosebumps while listening to it!! Btw, the link is just a cover of the one sung by Maher Zain, it's called 'This Worldly Life'


I watched the firey, golden sun slowly sink towering trees. The last rays of sun struggled to light the crimson red sky as the clouds floated by in soft puffs of pink. The tree tops reddened with a glow, and the shadows began to grow as the night engulfed the land. I sat with my sketchpad and paintbrush as I remembered a poem I had once heard:

I remember a sunset you gifted me,

Long ago.. An afternoon of sun,sky and sea,

Paintbrush touch changing the sky from indigo to pink,

The golden sun darkened, about to sink,

The crimson sky looking down to see its reflection,

The sea was too turning red its blue already gone,

Few unknown birds soaring in the sky on their last flight,

Carrying sundrops on their wings whispered goodnight,

Soon the sun went down and a hush engulfed all,

This sunset you gifted me I can still recall.

I got up to leave as darkness fell, with my sketchbook tucked under one arm and my paint brush clutched in another.

I closed the door behind me as the evening breeze made it's way inside. Dad was on the phone nodding, slightly disturbed but nevertheless, calm. I assumed it was his work people and went upstairs. I had been focusing on my art piece nearly the whole day but nothing could inspire me like a good old sunset. I opened my sketchbook to see what I had come up with, and so far, I was quite pleased. I drew the sun sinking into a lake with the silhouette of a mother duck and a line of baby ducks behind her with the sun giving them an orangey tint on one side and purply tint on the side facing away from the sun.. It was pretty detailed but judging from what I had seen at the exhibition where the finalists art works were displayed.. I was simply an amateur.

"Oh well," I sighed recklessly to myself about to take off my hijab.

"Maydah," Dad called. I rushed downstairs.

"Yes Dad?"

"We're going to the coffee shop,"


"Alex wants to see you," He said quickly.

"But I thought you said you didn't want me involved," I said confused.

"That's the past," Dad shook his head, "Come on."

"Why does she want to see me?"

"She didn't say," Dad said.

We reached the coffee shop, Lakisha waved at us, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have noticed Alex. Her blond hair, instead of neatly being tied on top of her head was now open and frizzy, it was pinned on one side so that all the hair fell on only one side, covering half her face. And instead of her face being plain and simple, she was wearing heavy eye makeup and a dark shade of lipstick. There was another guy sitting with them also. He looked like a geek, there was no other words I could find to describe him. He had huge thick black glasses and small eyes. His hair was long and untidy and his hands were long and stick-like.

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