Chapter 28 - Life is Twisted

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"Ok, for your mid semester assignment, you will be working in pairs of my choice in creating a colorful and informative poster about global warming," My geography teacher announced.

"Maydah you will be working with Cailey," He said.

I turned around, Cailey was some one who never got out of line but it showed that she wasn't too fond of me, obviousley because of the stereotype thats planted in her mind about us. I went to the back of the class to sit next to her so we could get started.

"Hi," I said.

"Hello, so should we get started?" Cailey said.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Ok, I was thinking we make the poster on a white A3 paper, with global warming written in black smoke,"

"Sounds good," I agreed.

Soon the whole class became noisey with the chatter of every one planning their posters.

"I'm sorry, but don't you feel oppressed by wearing that headscarf?" She asked suddenly.

"I feel more free wearing it." I told her.

"How? The wearing of that headscarf is enforced onto so many women around the world by men, it's like your allowing yourself to be their slaves." Cailey stated.

"Ok, first of all, I was not forced into wearing my headscarf," I said.

"But you can't deny the fact that it does happen." She pointed out.

"Of course it happens in some parts of the world, but I personally don't know any girl who has been forced into wearing it."

"Ok, but your dressing the way your dressing for the sake of the guys, so that they behave themselves around you, but shouldn't they do that anyways? Why do you have to cover yourself up for their sake?" Cailey argued.

"I cover myself up because that's what my creator asked of me, it's what He thinks is best for me." I said.

"But it's created by men to control women!"

"What about the women in France who are forced to take it off by men? And women who fight with their male family members to wear it?" I said. "And how exactly can men control women by the headscarf?"

"By telling them what to wear," Cailey clarified.

"What about the women in the magazines and TV? All their clothes is designed by men designers, aren't they also telling women how to dress, isn't that control?"

"That's fashion," She said, "The headscarf is restricting your freedom."

"What's your defintion of freedom anyways?" I asked.

"To do what ever you want."

"So dressing in a way that would send lustful stares and give guys the wrong signal is.. Freedom?" I challenged.

"Yes, if that's what some one wants to do," Cailey nodded.

"Well, if I wanted to do that, I could, but I respect myself. I am a girl, not a commodity like they portray us on television, half naked just to advertise perfumes so they can be bought. I am not some thing, I am some one and I deserve respect." I said.

"But don't you get tired of being judged and labelled and all the rest of that crap?" Cailey insisted.

"Don't you get tired of being judged? This headscarf, this Hijab covers me up, so no one can see my body or my hair, so they can't tell me I need to become thinner or style my hair differently or all that."

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