Chapter 46 - Dinner with the Vanchovis

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Hey Every one!! Ok, so just a little notice, at the beginning of the story, I wrote Maydah's age as fourteen, but now am changing it to fifteen, sorry about that!! :\

And second, could y'all help me out with a cast? I'm completely blank! :P

Dinner with the Vanchovis. Just great.  

Cailey had gone home a while after we finished praying because her parents had called her. She was such a great person, I can't believe I had barely known her before this.

"My parents always hated this relgion," Cailey had told me, " And naturally, so did I.. My views were a reflection of their, but as I grew older, I decided to find out why we thought they were so bad, and when my parents couldn't provide the right answer for me, I decided to find out for myself.. So I did some research online, and to be honest I couldn't find anything wrong.  However, there are some stuff that I don't quiet fully understand and some ideas that I still don't fully agree with like the concept of covering my hair."

"Everything will fall into place slowly, you've already done the hardest bit which is taking the first step,"  I said, trying to sound reassuring.

I took a quick shower because I could feel my clothes clinging to my skin..  Than I wore a long sleeved, dark blue tshirt  with a loose, sleeveless, white t-shirt on top and black and twirled a blue hijab around my head.

"Ready?"  Dad asked, popping his head into my room.

"Yeah," I nodded, wearing my sparkly converse trainers.

We reached the restaurant and David was already there, talk about punctual. We all sat randomly on the circular table. On my right side was Spencer's mom, and on my left was Dad.. I got lucky!!

"Maydah, why don't you switch with Denise so you and Spencer can talk?" David suggested... I guess I thought too soon. 

Denise (Spencer's mom) Got up and switched with me.

"So we meet again eh Scarfie," Spencer said in a casual tone.

"Unfortunately," I muttered.

"I didn't know you had such a  feisty attitude," He smirked.

"Would it make a difference even if you did?" I asked sarcastically.

"You'll always the be the little terra-"

"Listen," I cut him off before I got mad, "I know we don't exactly click well, but this is the first real friend my dad has had in a long time, so can you just not?"

"So sweet of you.." He mocked. "Remind me again why I would do anything for you?"

"Not for me, for my dad,"

"Big difference.." 

"Look, it's just this one thing, I'll never ask you for anything else," I said, refusing to make it sound like I was begging.

"Nobody hears about this." He muttered.

"Sure.." I looked down at my menu, I was so starving I could order everything.

The food came after a short while, I had ordered chinese noodles, I wanted to order a burger but the meat wasn't halal (slaughtered in the name of God, and in a way so that no pain comes to the animal, a quick and easy death).

"Are you a vegetarian?" Spencer asked, picking up his 'Old Timer with Cheese' burger.

"Not really, it's a complicated concept," I said.

"I ain't that much of a jock," He grinned.

"I didn't mean it in that way!" I said suddenly realising what I was invoulantarily implying, 

"I'm sure.."

"Well, you can't really blame me,"

"So what's the complicated concept?" He asked again.

I explained him the whole halal issue, wondering what his reaction would be.

"That's very... Unique," He said, I wasn't sure if her was making fun or being serious so I just carried on eating.

"So uhh, how did your mom die?" He asked, in a somewhat curious tone.

"She was killed," I said vaguely.

"Killed?" Spencer asked, evidently shocked.

I nodded slightly.


"Near the place she worked, it's a half an hour train ride from here," I responded.

"By who?" He asked softly.

"Don't even start with your 'Muslims did all the bad in the world' crap or I swear I'll make you pay!" I fumed in a low voice.

"Dude, calm down," He said taken aback, "I was just asking."

"A drunk group of people.." 

"I'm sorry," He said, and I'm not sure if it was just me but he sounded pretty sympathetic.

"I know."

"I guess there's a lot we don't know about each other," He said.

"You mean there's a lot you don't know about me," I corrected, "I know your type very well."

"Oh, so your saying I belong to a type of people?" He shot back lightly. "Well, let's see how well you really do know me?"

"Ok," I began, "You're a jock, your main purpose in life is to make it to the finals in the football tournament and get noticed by important people so that they can make you big. You couldn't care less about school, you hate commitments, you've been out with almost every girl in school and you judge all the books by their covers.. Did I miss anything?"

Ok, I know I was harsh, but after two years of high school bullying, I was ready to let him get a taste of his own medicine.

"Well, almost, I don't read books." He smirked.

"Oh my God hilarious," I said sarcastically.

"And, I haven't been out with every girl in highschool,"

"I said almost every girl.."

"Fair enough."

I woke up late sunday morning and called Azalea to see if she was free to hang out, which luckily she was. It was very hard to get her nowdays because she had becom so popular in school, but the 'everyone like her' popular not the 'I'm so mean and pretty so love me kay' popular. She had a ton of friends and she always invited me to hang out with them which I sometimes did. It was fun to be around younger kids, they were alot more positive and carefree.. But than I had Cailey also..

I was on my way to Azalea's house when my mobile rang. I looked down at the screen. It was a text from an uknown number.

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