Chapter 49 - Blast From the Past.

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I had barely slept the previous night. At three in the morning when I finally got into bed, I could barely even close my eyes with all the thoughts swimming around in my head.

What was Zeke doing? The image of Adrien's blood soaked shirt. Mazin's words.. "Don't make the same mistake." It echoed in my head over and over again... I lied to the officer. I had seen Zeke's face, he was part of the group or gang or whatever they wanted to call themselves. But what made me do that? Why did I cover for him? Why couldn't I have just turned him in? That would have been the right thing after all, I mean it would probably stop him from beating up other kids. So what made me shut up? And how did he get involved in all of this let alone become the 'boss'?

But these were all mere distractions from what really bothered me. My dad's expression when I got home. A mixture of worry, relief, anger and regret all in one. I just couldn't face him now.

I got ready for school and heaved my school bag over my shoulder. It seemed heavier today. 

"Apologise to him. You were wrong." Auntie Aasiyah's words echoed through my mind.

Dad was already downstairs and ready which was surprising because it was extra early for him..

"Salaam wa Alaikum (peace be on you)" He greeted, holding his coffee mug.

"Wa Alaikum Salaam." I replied shakily, taking out a granola bar, knowing I wouldn't be able to eat it. My stomach was empty and I felt like hurling, but I just wanted to act normal in front of my dad. 

"We need to talk my dear," Dad said.

"Of course," I replied blandly, almost dropping my granola bar but balancing it between my shaking hands. I had no idea what my problem was.

Dad sat down on the couch in the living room and so did I.

"I was a bit unreasonable last night and in the spur of the moment, you weren't able to say your part."

"Dad I'm sorry, I swear! I didn't think it would be a big deal, you were right.. I was being selfish, I thought I could do it all," I said, fighting back the tears that wanted to make its way to my eyes.

"Maydah," Dad said softly, "Come here," 

He held out his inviting hands and I didn't hesitate to go.

"You're anything but selfish," He whispered stroking my hair. I couldn't hold them in any longer, the raindrop tears poured out of my  eyes. I wiped them angrily, I hated it when people saw me cry, it made me feel so... Weak.

Dad wiped my tears with his thumbs, more carefully around the bruise that had formed on my right cheek.

"What happened last night?"

I told him everything.

"I thought I could be like mom... But I'm not mom." I muttered.

"You're right." Dad stated.

I looked at him confused.

"At the time, mom was alone, she had no self defense skills.. Nothing. You're not mom. I'll train you harder, crank up the boxing skills, increase your stamina. And there's that Alex girl and her group who've got their eye out for you." Dad said. "Your a trouble magnet kid!"

I grinned widely hugging my dad tightly.

Dad dropped off me to school. I was glad there was only a few months left before summer. But that ment exams, homework, revision... Oh well.

The bell rang and I was about to head to class when the announcement began. 

"Maydah Ahmad and Azalea Connors, please head to the principle's office, you are excused from the first lesson."

All eyes turned to me. I tried to ignore them and pushed past the crowd.

"I guess it's time they expell you for you criminal offenses Muddy," Hailey hissed.

"It's Maydah," I said carried on walking. I scanned the hallway for Azalea but couldn't see her.. By the time I got to the principle's office, Azalea was already there.

"Aah, Miss Ahmad, take a seat." The principle Mr Crookshank said. "I have convened the two of you here with regards to the event that occured last night including one of our students Adrien Ketsopils,"

Azalea and I nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"We have been informed that the injury is major and Adrien will be unable to attend school till the following fall. His mother had also that you two girls do not speak of his accident, give details of his injuries or discussing his whereabouts."

"Ok," Azalea and I both said simultaneously.

"Thank you." Crookshank said, "If you have any concerns, any at all, feel free to come to me,"

We thanked him than left the office.

"Why doesn't his mom want people to know he's badly injured?" Azalea wondered.

"Maybe all the attention will slow down his recovery process, you know stress and stuff," I suggested, it made sense to me.


"Dad," I said later that night before going to bed.


"Tell me a story.. About mom?"

Dad smiled at the memory of her.

"The first time we met," Dad said, "Was on the plane, she had a can of coke and the plane was in turbulance, I was on my way back from the washroom, and she accidently spilled the coke all over my shirt,"

"Where you mad?" I asked.

"She apologised and said I could borrow one of her dad's shirts if I wanted," Dad grinned.

I burst out laughing, my grandpa was a pretty small compared to my dad.

"What did you say than?" 

"I said it's fine, honestly I was a bit scared of her dad at first.. She was the pretty type of girl that every one wanted to marry and her dad was extra tough with the guys that came to propose to her."

"Than how did you get the courage?"

"Well, Jaidah's older sister (Mazin's mom) encouraged me to, saying Jaidah was crazy about me.. So I did, and her dad didn't like me at first because I wasn't confident enough.. And maybe because of my bushy eyebrows."

I couldn't hold in my laughter again.

"But than Jaidah said yes, so her father agreed," Dad continued.

"Awwies," I teased.

"Go sleep you little teaser," Dad grinned.

I turned to go upstairs.

"Oh and Maydah?" 

"Yeah dad?"

"Your grandparents want to see you this weekend."

"But they'll just talk about mom!"

"Didn't you just want to talk about her right now?"

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