Chapter 6 : Spilled the Beans.

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"We have to tell my dad," I decided.

"Will he send me away? To the orphanage?" Azalea asked worried.

"He'll know what to do, come on," I said. Both of us raced all the way to my dad's office.

"Dad, Dad!" I banged on his office door. He opened it almost immediately.

"Woah kid, what's going on?" He asked, "Who's this?" He gestured to Azalea.

"That's what's going on!"

"What? One word at a time, what's happening?"

I took a deep breath than told my dad the whole story.

"Ok," Dad said, already getting a plan in action. "If the authorities find her with us, they'll think we kidnapped her."

"What will we do?"

"We're not sure if Haylie will actually go to the authorities, but if she does, we don't know what she'll tell them. So if they come to you in school, or if they knock on the door and I'm not home, just talk to them politely and tell them nothing but the truth, you understand?" My dad said grabbing my shoulders. I nodded, "You too," He said to Azalea.

"Yes," She nodded, standing still as a twig.

"You two go straight home, I'll try and sort this out as much as I can," Dad told us, than turned to Azalea, "Can you remember your last name?"

Azalea shook her head hopelessly.

"Don't worry about it, everything will be fine," Dad assured us, I knew that tone, that was the 'I'll make everything fine if it's not' tone.

The next day at school, I got pulled out of my maths class, the lady at the reception table said there was some one who needed to talk to me. I steadily got up, all pairs of eyes followed me out of the class.

"Hello, you must be Maydah," The person said, he was tall and muscular and was wearing a black suit, he looked like a James Bond agent, he was sitting on the desk in the prinsiple's office.

"That's right," I smiled, remembering my dad told me to be polite.

"I am here concerning a report that you have taken in a girl, who is three years younger than you, and is unidentified." He said in his deep voice.

"That's right sir, there was a girl abandoned next the the mall entrance and she was freezing, so I took her in and gave her some food and warmth." I said swiftly.

"And why did you not report this to the authorities immediately?" He asked sceptically.

"Because I didn't want her to go, I wanted her to stay with me." I said truthfully.

"Mhmm, and you're sure your father had nothing to do with this?"


"He didn't kidnapp her?"

"If he did wouldn't her parents have reported a kidnapping?" I asked angrily.

"Ok," He nodded, "Bring in the other girl."

After what seemed an hour of questioning, I saw Azalea walk back into the classroom. I waited, watching the clock slowly ticking away for the bell to ring. The second the bell rang, I jumped up from my seat and went to Azalea.

"What did they say?" We asked at the same time.

"You first," I told her.

"They asked f I was kidnapped and if there was any physical damge done and I said no both times. And than they asked other questions like about my parents but I can't remember but they kept asking again and again!"

I told her what they questioned me and then we both stood in silence.

"I don't want to go from here," She murmured.

"I know," I sighed. "But now they'll go question my dad.. You know their definition of justice, it's not catching the bad guy, it's about blaming some for the crime."

"No." Azalea stated strongly, I was surprised to hear that tone of determination from her. "They won't do anything to you guys, you took me in when no one would, and now I'll protect you like no one can."

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