Chapter 64 - Utopia or Dystopia?

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Warning: This chapter is short, but please don't complain. I will be uploading again..

I find it easier and more refreshing to write short chapters rather than long ones because I loose focus very easily.. Sorry about that :\

I got up early that morning. I couldn't eat a thing. I felt like sick to my stomach.

Today was the day everything would change.

"Just be calm." Dad said soothingly.

"Andeon said it himself, we haven't got the upper hand on the case."

"Optimism, Maydah, is very important." Mazin said, mimicking a wise voice, trying to break down the tension which was so tangible, you could slice through it with a knife.

I forced a smile, but to be honest, nothing could make me laugh now.

We reached the court, and same like yesterday, we were extra early. However, we weren't the first. The mysterious boy yesterday who looked so familiar was there, sitting a few rows in front of say.

"Say, Azalea, do you recognise that guy over there?" I asked.

"He looks familiar." Azalea said, scrunching her brows.

"Dad," I said, "Can I go talk to that kid in front?"

"Who is he?" Dad asked suspicially.

"I know him, but I can't put my finger on it,"

"Take Azalea with you," He said.

I sighed, Dad could be so traditional some times. I got up and went a few rows in front, I could feel Dad watching my every move. 

"Hi," I said sitting next to him. Azalea sat the row behind us. 

"Every one thought you were dead." He said. As soon as he opened his mouth, I realised who he was. Zeke!

"You look so different," I said, dodging his statement. He really did look so ridiculousley different. He was more fit now, his biceps were more tones, he was much, much taller and his jawline looked even more sharper than before.

"The effects of bootcamp I guess." He smirked, his blue eyes peircing mine.

"You can't still be holding a grudge," I narrowed my eyes.

"You were in court yesterday, you should be sorry." 


"Didn't you hear my wondrous speach yesterday? Or where you too busy fretting about public speaking?" 

"We came in late," Azalea cut in from behind us. Zeke turned around in shock, only just realizing she was there.

"Oh, I see," Zeke said. "Ma bad,"

"So what was your 'wondrous speech'?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Long story short, Daniels was ruining our lives and he said the only way out of it was if I helped him out- and before you call me selfish, he threatened to seperate me and my mother so I had absolutely no choice," He said quickly, expecting me to say something.

"What did he need your help for?" I asked, waiting for him to carry on.

"To mess with Adrien," He said simply. "One of Daniels men had told me the task and given me agun with some one else's fingerprints on it to leave behind so I wouldn't get caught."

"So that's the buff looking criminal you met with after school." I muttered, surprised I still remembered that. Apperently, Zeke was surprised too.

"I knew you had seen something." He said. "Anyways, the plan was to kill him and leave. I didn't want to do it, but it was either that or leaving my mom. And who knew what would have happened to her after that."

"Why did he give you that job?"

"He had trained me since I was very young to go around in stealth mode and I guess at the time, I was smaller than most of his men, so I was able to kidnap Adrien more surreptitiously than they could.."

"Why didn't you tell me any of this before? I would have never turned you in if I knew!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Because, He said lazily, "You have a terrible habit of wanting to 'help' and it really would not have helped."

"At least I wouldn't have turned you in." I said through gritted teeth.

"And besides," He carried on like I hadn't said anything, "You knowing would have only put you in more danger. If I was proven guilty and sent away, Daniels couldn't use me to harm you."

I felt even more guilty now.. And I didn't know what to say. I was such a sucker when it came to times like this.

"Thank you." 

"Your welcome," He said suavely.

"I would like to remind you that court is in session in five minutes." Azalea said amusingly.

"See you around," I said getting up.

"By the way, somehow Cailey knows about this whole issue, and ostensibly, so does Spencer.. Don't ask how.. But they'll be in court so get ready to explain to them you're not a ghost."

"Will do,"

"Court is in session." The Judge said as we all sat back down again. "The final judgement has been made."

She paused a while and I wished she hadn't because my heart was beating up to my throat, the way I felt stuck in anxiety was like how some one would feel if they were stuck in jelly. My legs felt numb, and not after long, so did my face. The whole room felt like the south pole. I actually felt like I would pass out-

"Mr J Daniels has been proven innocent-"

"No!" I shot up from my seat. Every one in the courtroom turned to look at me. Daniels had a malicious, murderous grin on his face.

"Permission for my client to speak?" Andeon's lawyer asked.

"Permission granted," The Judge said.

"You can't prove this man innocent! He's done terrible things, he's blackmailed my friend, he uses kids to experiment on and leaves them to die the most painful deaths. He seperates family and.. He killed my mother." I said. I hadn't said that out of revenge, but out of love for my mom.

"You did not quite let me finish there Ms Ahmad," She said politely.

I looked at her blankly.

"Mr J Daniels is innocent..... No more."

We couldn't help but erupt into cheers. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted from our hearts, like all our efforts counted, like it was finally, after so many years, time to celebrate. 

The police came into the court and hand cuffed Mr Daniels and Mr Hensus and lead them out of court.

"You will pay Maydah! You will not get away.. Mark my words. It's not over yet!" Daniels spat.

"I think it is." I said simply.

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