Hello There - 11 x Reader

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You sat sullenly at the small coffee shop table, drumming your fingers on its hard metal surface. It was a cute little place, one of your favorites. Cheerily painted walls, fresh flowers on the tables, and the smell of coffee and cinnamon rolls filling the air.

But, this time, you weren't so happy to be there. A guy at your school, Ben, had asked you out. You were sort of excited, as you hadn't been on a date for a while.

He said to meet at 4:00. It was 5. You sighed. Obviously he was a no show. This had to be one of the most boring afternoons ever.


You shrieked, along with all the other customers as the glass window shattered into a million pieces. You turned to see a large metal man looking in your direction. "The Doctor will be deleted!" It shouted. "What the hell?" You muttered.

Suddenly you felt a large, smooth hand grab yours and you turned. Your wide (e/c) met calm emerald ones. With a sly smile, the man who had grabbed your hand said one thing. "Run."

You listened. The two of you took off, hearing the stomping of the metal man behind you. "What is that thing!?" You shouted. "Cybermen!" The man replied with a thick accent.

"Who are you!?" You asked again and the two of you burst through the back door of the café. Spinning around and pulling a device out of his coat pocket, he smiled. "Hello there! I'm the Doctor!" He shouted cheerfully as the Cyberman seemed to short circuit.

You looked at him with wide eyes. "Doctor Who?" With a mischievous grin, he squeezed your hand. "Exactly." And with that he walked away, heading for the blue police box that had never been there.

You followed him. He turned around and leaned against the box once he reached it and sighed. "Oi! Why are you following me?" Ignoring his question, you cross your arms. "Is this a snog box?" You ask with a smirk.

In return, he ignores your question. "Why are you following me?" He asks again. You roll your eyes. "You don't expect to save a girl's life and then leave," you said. He chuckles. "Well then would you like to join me?"

You gave a light laugh. "In your snog box? To be honest, I wouldn't mind," you say, smirking as his face turns red. Without waiting for a response, he grabs your hand and pulls you inside.

Your eyes widen and you gasp. He grins. You smile back.

"It's bigger on the inside."

A/N: so yeah. There's my first imagine. I hope you guys like it!!! Feel free to request and such.

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