Apologies - 10 x reader

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You grumbled as you walked home from work. Once again, your crappy boss has threatened to fire you. You had a bit of trouble with another employee, James. Anytime something went wrong he blamed it on you. Unfortunately for you, James was your boss's son, so naturally he believed James over you.

You were concentrating so hard on your anger, you didn't notice the man walking your way. "Watch it," you hissed as he ran into you. With a grin he replied, "Apologies," and continued on. Then man wore a trench coat and white converse.

Curious about the strange man, you followed him. You stopped when he ducked into an alleyway. Finally listening to your judgement, you turned away and hurried home.

You ate dinner silently, deep in thought. The brown eyes, messy hair. You etched the man's image into your brain.

Upstairs, you lay in bed. You couldn't sleep. You checked your clock. 3:07 am. "Wonderful," you muttered. Hearing a strange noise outside, you peeked out the window.

There he was. The trench coat man. Running from some unidentifiable creature. You shrugged as if it were normal. Moments later you realized that that was, in fact, extremely very NOT normal.

You slipped on some shoes and a jacket and dashed outside. Thinking about the weird creatures, you dashed back in, grabbed a gun from a secret place under the stairs, and dashed back out.

You ran up to the man as he passed your driveway. "Hey! Sidewalk girl!" He shouted gleefully. "Sidewalk girl?" You scoffed. "Hey! I'm willing to bet all you could come up with was 'Trench Coat Man'!" He shot back. You blushed, a bit embarrassed.

"Fear no more! I have a name! The Doctor!" He said with a smirk. "I'm not fearing about your lack of name! I'm fearing about whatever the hell is behind us!" You reply. "Yeah, well I was kinda hoping you'd tell me your name. But hey, guess we aren't on first name basis are we!?" He shouted sarcastically. Man, this "Doctor" was ADHD. "Not sure how important my name is at the moment. I- AGH!" You shrieked as the thing behind you caught your arm.

"Doctor!" You screamed. The man turned. Suddenly, those brown eyes that had comforted you earlier were menacing and dark. As you looked at them, you saw pain and grief. Needless to say, you were intrigued.

Suddenly, another scream escaped your lips, as the monster's grip turned increasingly warm. Your flesh was steaming and tears ran from your eyes. The world tilted and spun as you slumped into unconsciousness.


You woke to a blinding light stinging your eyes. Whatever had kidnapped you had obviously changed. They were a lot less fat then last night. They even looks humanoid.

"Test subject 8735 ready for injection," a woman from the cubicle next door called. Suddenly, a male scream of pain erupted, causing you to jump. The scream turned into growls and then died out. "Test subject 8735, deceased," the woman called again dejectedly.

Squinting you noticed some numbers above the cubicle you were in 8736. Whatever was happening, you were next. You watched the nurses busy around. You kept hearing "test" "excitement" and "serum" over and over again.

"Um, excuse me," you call feebly. "What serum?" The main nurse frowns. We are trying to turn you into one of us. Every human has died so far. But we think that you will be compatible." The woman flashed a dark smile before continuing on.

Suddenly, a siren blared. "Alien alert!" A mechanical voice called. Screams erupted as everyone fled their cubicle. Of course, the nurses left the humans.
You cursed. You had to hope this alien didn't want to kill you.

As you closed your eyes, you heard a voice.


You elected to ignore it.

"Sidewalk girl," the voice hissed again. Your eyes flew open and you grinned, seeing the Doctor grin back. Pointing some stick with a blue light tip, he successfully undid their bonds.

As you walked down the corridor, you frowned. In each cubicle, there was a dead human body. You sighed. "Doctor they're killing everyone," you say quietly. "I know," he replied. "I called a friend. He owes me a favor and he's going to take care of the problem. I need to focus on getting you home Miss..." "Y/N," you say with a smile.

"Lovely name Y/N. I have a question." You raise an eyebrow. "Would you like to travel through all of time and space?" The Doctor asks. Shyly, you nod. "Follow me," he says and grabs your hand pulling you to the Tardis.

"Don't get freaked out," he said with a smirk as he opened the door. "It's bigger on the inside." As you stepped in you laughed. "It sure is."

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