Not an Update. Pls read tho!!

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Hey guys! So I had a sudden inspiration for a lovely SERIES!! I created myself an OC and she's pretty fantastic if I say so myself. It would be a three book series, telling of her adventures with the 10th, 11th, and 12th Doctors (but I couldn't help but mention 9). Here is sort of a plot line.

Acacia Woods is alien royalty, stuck on Earth because she's the last of her kind. She's a Galagzorian, a race of shapeshifting aliens descending from the Time Lords. Her people were killed in the Time War, so she's alone, and looking for a way into the stars.

One day, she runs away and runs into an odd couple, speaking of things that don't make sense. She follows them to an alleyway and discovers a parked TARDIS. But it leaves, and she's not in it.

She befriends a group of homeless thieves and joins in on their plots, using her shapeshifting power to steal bigger and bigger things, making money from aliens and humans alike, until one day, she went to far. An alien race, unknown to her, offered her money to steal a certain alien artifact. She stole it, she got the money. She didn't, she died.

Unfortunately, she was caught by a man in a trench coat.

So... Would you read it?? Thoughts?? Thanks!!!

•xoxo Haley

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