Once upon a time... - Any Doctor

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There is a legend, I heard, of a girl and a man. The man was from the stars and the girl was nothing special. But then from the stars saved her and they ran away together. Nobody knows quite what happened. But, I know, that the man and the girl fell in love. And this is their story....

Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl was (your age) and had (e/c) eyes and (hair length) (h/c) hair. She found herself boring and plain, but she didn't know how special she was.

One day as she lay in bed, dreaming of things that could never happen, she heard a loud noise in her yard follows by several screams. She looked out the window worriedly. Hundreds of life size Mr. Potato heads were marching down the street, clad in metal armor.

The girl took slow deep breaths, trying to stay level headed and calm. She hurried outside, grabbing dirtied sneakers and a warm sweatshirt.

The cold winter air bit at her skin as the potatoes marched by. They would occasionally grab somebody off the street and drag them into their crowd, amused with their fear filled faces. The girl stayed back, hoping to avoid this.

As she snuck around, stopping by an alley, she heard another noise. Peeking down the alley, she saw a blue box materializing. Moments later, an attractive man stepped out glancing about, his old and worried eyes falling on the awe-struck girl.

"What was that?" The girl marveled, forgetting all about the creatures marching down the street behind her. The man smiled and pointed to the box. "My TARDIS. Want to take a quick peek inside Miss..." "Y/N," she replied quickly, "and yes, I would like a peek inside."

The man quickly took hold of her small hand and brought her inside. The girl gasped as she looked around in shock. "It's bigger on the inside!" She exclaimed. "I'm the Doctor," the man introduced and the girl smiled. "Hello Doctor." "Hello Miss Y/N. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to deal with some Sontarans." With that, the odd man rushed out. Little did he know, the girl was right on his heels.

Soon enough, the world was saved by the Doctor yet again. "That was insane!" The girl said happily as she walked next to the Doctor, her fingers intertwined with his. They made is back to the TARDIS and her cheery demeanor was lost.

"I guess this is goodbye," she said sullenly, looking into his beautiful old eyes, filled with love and compassion. The Doctor chuckled and shook his head. "How about you travel with me?" He asked, brushing hair from her face.

The girl's face flushed with excitement and she beamed. "Yes yes!" She cries and threw her arms around the Doctor's neck. Smiling, he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around. Together, they walked into the TARDIS to see what adventures awaited them there.

The girl who found herself boring and plain had become a lonely man's entire world. He loved her with all his hearts. And she felt the same way.

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