The Library - Any Doctor

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You groaned angrily, stomping your foot as hard as you could on the TARDIS floor. She gave an amused hum in response. "I hate you! I just want to go to my room!" You shouted. With a dejected sigh, you continues your trek through the TARDIS.

After taking yet another turn that was surely leading you farther away from your room, you came across a large ornate wooden door. With a grunt, you pushed open the heavy door.

What you saw inside was amazing. Beautiful carpets covered the wooden floor. Paintings and statues decorated the room. A huge fireplace lit the whole place up. But the most miraculous part was the walls. The walls were bookcases, filled with every book.

A glittering spine caught your eye. You quietly walked over to it and saw small golden circular designs on it. The whole shelf was full of the strange circles. "Gallifreyan..." You whisper, lightly running a finger over it. You turned and at the end of the row was the most magnificent part.

Trailing your fingers lightly against the ancient books, you slowly walked to the painting. Whatever it was, it was beautiful. In the middle of a lush jungle stood a clear bubble, with beautiful glittering buildings inside. The painting was all 3-D. You reached out to touch it and were surprised as your fingers went into the frame.

"Gallifrey," a voice said softly behind you. You jumped, pulling your hand away and spinning around. You stuttered, your cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, t-the books... You know, c-caught my attention and-" With a small, sad smile, the Doctor placed a finger over your lips. "It's ok," he said quietly.

The Doctor gazed quietly at the painting, pain and sadness filling his eyes. "Gallifrey before I destroyed it and every single innocent person in that beautiful glass dome and everywhere else on that planet," he said, his voice cracking.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you saw the pain in your Doctor's eyes as he looked at the painting. "Doctor," you whispered, reaching out for his hand. He pulled you close and you placed a hand gently on his cheek.

"Please don't be sad," you say quietly. "How can I be sad? I've got you." He says with a light smile. He presses his lips to your forehead. "Come on," you say, pulling him away from the painting. "Read to me."

With a smile, he picked a Gallifreyan book off one of the shelves and pulled you over to one of the many comfy couches scattered through the library.

He sat down with you pressed up against him. Leaning your head on his shoulder, you smiled. The Doctor began to read aloud, absentmindedly playing with your (h/c) hair. You smiled. Somehow, someway, you understood your poor Doctor's pain. And you made sure you would help him through his times of sadness. Because he was your Doctor, and you loved him.

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