Lost Girl - 11 x Reader

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(A/N: this was inspired by Ruth B's song Lost Boy. You should check it out!! It's sort of an an alternate on how you met the 11th Doctor. Feel free to imagine any other Doctor here as well. I imagined 11.)

There was a time when I was alone
No where to go and no place to call home

As you lay in your bed, you held back tears. Being an older orphan meant nobody exactly wanted you. You silently thought of Sapphira, the young girl with the red hair. She was the sweetest girl and you loved her so much. Now, she was gone. Adopted.

My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away too

You looked up at the shining moon. Before your mother left, she told you to look at the moon. The moon that night was just like it was all those years ago, when your mother had been taken by the stone angels. Shining and full, it was a beacon of light in a starry sky. You imagined your mother's smiling face in the white moon and more tears threatened to fall, her last words echoing. "Love you."

Then one night as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high

As you pulled the blankets up to your chin, you slowly closed your eyes. But with one quick glance out the window, you saw a faint light and heard a loud noise. You hop out of bed, grabbing your bathrobe and slippers and going quickly outside.

He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for a while

You managed to quietly sneak out the door, hurrying to the light. Where the light had been, now stood a blue phone box. You frowned, walking around it until you heard the door open. Catching your breath, you quickly pressed your back against one of the sides. Peeking around the corner, you saw a man with a tweed jacket and a bow tie. He had floppy hair and was looking around.

"You can come out now," he said softly. You stepped out from behind the box to see the green eyed man, smiling at you.

He said
Peter Pan that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely

"Hello," he said, his accent thick and him smile contagious. You smiled back. "Hi," you reply shyly. "I'm the Doctor," he said holding his hand out for a shake. "Y/N," you reply taking his hand.

"I heard that you were lonely. So I have a proposition," he explains and you nod, hope filling your eyes. "How would you like to travel with me? In the TARDIS?" The Doctor says smiling. "TARDIS?" You question and the Doctor points over his shoulder at the blue box behind him. "Wanna see inside?" He asks.

And ever since that day...

With a gasp, you look around. You rush back out and walk around the TARDIS in amazement. You run back in grinning. "Go on!" He urges. "Say it! Everybody does!" With a light laugh, you say, "It's bigger on the inside!"

"So Miss Y/N.... Would you care to travel in time and space? Any where and any when? Anything that ever happened or ever will?" He asks grinning. "Who wouldn't!?" You say excitedly.

Cause I'm a lost boy
From Neverland
Usually hanging out with
Peter Pan

That was 5 years ago. Now, you stood at the console room, an "experienced time traveler" as the Doctor said. "My Lost Girl," he's call you and you'd smile and blush. It was all around fantastic, the two of you getting into mischief and saving planets and such. You never wanted to go back to the old times.

And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from
Captain Hook

Sure, there was plenty of danger. Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels and the rest. But you knew the Doctor would always protect you. He would never let anything harm his precious Lost Girl.

Run run lost boy
They say to me
Away from all of

Despite any circumstances, you smiled when he would happily shout "Run!" He'd grab your hand and take off, you not far behind. Every time the TARDIS took off, it was as if you were running away from everything that made you sad. You loved the sound of hope the TARDIS brought and you smiled when you heard it.

Neverland is home to the lost boys like me
Lost boys like me are free

The TARDIS was your home now. You had a huge room with a big bed and a window looking out at the stars. There was a kitchen, a pool, and your favorite, the huge library.

Neverland it home to the lost boys like me
Lost boys like me are free

There wasn't a day that went by that you regretted your decision to come with the Doctor. You loved him so much and he was definitely the best thing that ever happened. You felt free as a bird and you had never been happier.

"Thank you Doctor," you said out of the blue one day. "For what Lost Girl?" He replied smiling. You smiled back. "For taking me with you." He chuckled and pulled you close, kissing your forehead softly. "Anytime my Y/N. Anytime."

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