The Doctor Lies - part 2

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Two years.

You were two years older, two years wiser, two years more mature, and two years lonelier.

You stood at the corner where you first met the man that ruined your life. It was the corner of Parkinson and Smith.

Two years since the Doctor left you.

Of course, you didn't know how he was feeling. He had changed, a lot. Personality, clothing style, and most importantly, face. He was a whole new man, but he had the same memories.

The Daleks had forced him to regenerate, and he had managed to escape. Now, he sat in his TARDIS, lonelier than ever. He could go find you, but he knew you'd be angry, hurt even. You probably wouldn't want to travel with him.

Part of him still loved you, and he regretted never getting to say it. He mostly avoided Earth. He avoided planets that the two of you went to and enjoyed. He tried, once but all he could see was you sobbing after the TARDIS left you. He regretted ever asking the TARDIS what your reaction was. He should have known.

Once, you'd told him that if anything ever happened to you, that he needed to get a new person to travel with. "Loneliness is never fun. Go find someone else and show them the stars, just like you showed me," you had said.

But the Doctor refused. He wanted you.


You woke up to screaming outside your window. You rushed to it and threw the curtains aside. People ran about, shouting, as metal men stormed the streets. Cybermen. Mostly, you were disgusted. You hated Cybermen. But part of you felt hopeful for the first time in a long time.

Maybe he'll come to save the world. Maybe I'll see him. Maybe he'll let me travel with him once more.

Your threw on clothes and ran outside into the commotion. You looked around wildly. No blue box. Though you saw a strange old man walking for an alley, looking about in surprise, but you didn't question it, until your eyes met. He stared at you in awe, and you peered at him curiously.

Those eyes... They were so familiar. They were old and sad and angry. They reminded you too much of the Doctor. So you turned away, and ran.


The Doctor knew Earth was being attacked. Despite all his sorrow and anger, he had to save them. He couldn't let innocent people die because he was mad at himself.

He landed in an alleyway and ran out. He was much later than he had expected. People were dead and other were being taken away.

And then he saw her.

Still beautiful. Still brave. Still Y/N, only two years older. Their eyes met, and he saw her sadness and pain. He'd left her. It was hit fault those eyes were filled with hurt.

Before he could do anything, she turned and ran. He almost called out, but she wouldn't recognize him.

With a sigh, he trudged back to the TARDIS to save the day.

( A/N: part three coming soon!! )

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