Imposible - 12 x Reader

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Note: this isn't a romantic one shot. more family-esque with the Doctor being like a father and you being his impossible child lol

"You're impossible!" You shouted in annoyance, storming after the Doctor as he walked around the console.

"I told you, Y/N, I am not taking you to the Medusa Cascade today! I have other things that I want to do. People to save," the Doctor replied coldly. You groaned. "Oh so every time Clara wants to go somewhere, you immediately say yes. You even said yes to going to see Robin Hood! At least we know the Medusa Cascade exists," you protested.

The Doctor glared, but you glared right back. You were not giving up on this. You had been with the Doctor a long time and he had always promised to take you there. It had been three years, and you had never been once. Today you had begged. Poked. Cried. Screamed. And still, the Doctor said no. Every. Damn. Time.

Finally, you gave way. "You're the worst," you grumble, storming past him, angrily brushing against his shoulder. The Doctor whirled around and opened his mouth to argue, but you had gone. 

You wandered through the winding TARDIS hallways, mumbling about how Clara always got her way and you never did, how Clara was his favorite, but you had been there longer. Sure, you loved Clara like a sister, but it got frustrating at times to be treated differently than her. 

You found yourself in an observation room. This is where you had found out about the Medusa Cascade in the first place. All around you, stars twinkled and flashed in and out of existence, as though they were real, and you liked to think they were. Other galaxies, other solar systems could be found there. You poke them with your fingers, feeling the stardust in your palms. You keep walking and there it is. The Medusa Cascade. It's glowing golden stars and clouds of green dust and gas. It flowed like a waterfall. It looked beautiful, but you knew its story. It was a rift in time in space, one sealed by the Doctor who knows when. It was a place you dreamed of going. Forget Robin Hood (although that was cool, and he was dreamy and the dress you had was exquisite) or strange little aliens. This was beauty. And all you wanted to do was lead outside the TARDIS doors and take it all in. 

You heard footsteps behind you and the stars flickered, as though they were excited. You, on the other hand, were not. "Doctor, I-"

"It pales in comparison," he said, as though nothing had happened. You tilted your head in confusion. He waved his hand through the Cascade, upsetting the stars and having them blink in annoyance. You smiled tightly, trying to control your own annoyance at being disturbed. "I wouldn't know," you replied coldly, turning back to the stars. The Doctor huffed, and without a word, grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the observation room.

You protested, whining and yelling for him to let you go. He dragged you out into the control room and to the doors and threw them open. The light from outside hurt your eyes for a second and you hid behind his tall frame to protect your vision. Then, slowly, you peaked around him, and there it was.

Blinding stars, green and gold and blue puffs of gas and dust. "My god," you murmured, stepping as close to the edge as you could. The Doctor smiled beside you. You couldn't help but smile too. "It is even more magnificent in person." The Doctor slid an arm around your shoulders and you rested your head on his chest. Rarely did you get a moment where it was quiet between you two, as you spent most of your time bickering like a father and his rebellious child. He pressed a kiss into your hair. 

"Thank you," you whispered, still in awe. He pulled you closer. "You're welcome, you impossible child," he whispered back. And for the next hour, the two of you stood, staring off into space. 

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