The Doctor Lies - 11 x Reader

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"Run!" The Doctor screamed, taking your hand in his own. "I am going to personally have a talk to your TARDIS. Does she really hate me so much to send us on vacation to SKARO!? What about Spoof!? Why didn't the TARDIS tell you where we were going!?" You yelled angrily over the sounds of the Daleks and their funny looking guns. "Something was wrong, and we've fixed it-" "And now we're about to die!" You finished his sentence. He nodded warily. "Be optimistic for our friends here," he chided, gesturing behind them and turning to look. Suddenly he froze.

"Doctor what's wrong?" You asked gently. "T-they were here. Right here, I swear it. The prisoners. The ones the Daleks had, the ones that requested my help! They're gone!"


"Y/N come on!" The Doctor called from outside your bedroom door. Giving him a house key had been a big mistake. "Big adventure planned. I got a message on my psychic paper asking for help! Two prisoners, Steve and Katelyn, need saving from some big bad monsters. And we're just the team to do it! But first, of course, we'll visit Spoof, that one planet I told you about. Then, we'll pop over to save a couple of people moments after they sent the message. Having a machine that not only travels in space but in time is absolutely fantastic! Oohh, haven't said that since I was northern. Hmm, I think I liked it better then," he rambled.

You could practically see the excited grin on his goofy face, his hands motioning wildly like he did when he was excited, maybe even twirling around once or twice, just to admire the way his coat flared out around him.

"Coming!" You called. You grabbed a t-shirt and jeans and laced up your favorite boots, and grabbed your leather jacket before opening the door. Sure enough, the Doctor stood there, a goofy smile curled at his lips and his hand poised to knock again on your door.

He grabbed your hand and pulled you excitedly down the stairs."Careful, Doctor you'll- AUGH!" You shrieked and crashed down the steps and landed on top of the Doctor. "Fall," you groaned. The two of you stared at each other for a few moments, blushing. The Doctor proceeded to kiss your forehead and help you up, before leading you to his TARDIS.

The two of you chatted as the Doctor flipped switches and pressed buttons, preparing to travel to Spoof.

When the TARDIS landed moments later, the Doctor rushed to the door and broke into a huge grin as he threw it open. He smiled at you before turning around, saying, "Welcome to... Skaro?"


The pair stopped completely, cowering in a closet of sorts the faint sounds of the Daleks grew quieter. The Doctor had figured out the Daleks' plan. When he and Y/N had rescued the prisoners, they were sluggish, like they were drugged. Really, they were being converted. His hearts ached for the young pair, and he knew he had to save them, even if that's what the Daleks wanted.

"Y/N," the Doctor whispered, looking into your beautiful, young eyes. "My Y/N." He held you close and you gripped his jacket tightly. "Run," he said. You looked surprised. "To the TARDIS. Wait there. I'll be back soon. The shields should be down, But if you put this in the sonic port, it'll turn them on," he lied, handing you a small, metal cylinder. He gave you a false smile as you nodded slowly. "Ok," you whispered. You emerged from the closet and walked to the hall and took off towards the TARDIS.

The Doctor watched you as you ran. His hearts ached for what he was about to do. He'd probably never see you again, but you would be safe. You would be home. And that's what he wanted for the girl he adored.

"Rule 1. The Doctor lies," he whispered and took off down the other hallway, running towards his impending doom.


You hadn't caught the attention of the Daleks. You hadn't seen one. You found that suspicious as you opened then doors to the TARDIS. "Hey, sonic port please. I don't wanna die."

The TARDIS seemed to hum inquisitively as the sonic port hole opened. You stuck the cylinder inside, smiling. Safety. You had just begun to relax as the TARDIS began to wheeze. "What the hell!?" You screamed, grabbing onto the railing. "Why are you leaving, stupid box!? The Doctor said wait!"

The TARDIS hummed once more, and if you didn't know any better, it sounded sad. You frowned and slowly opened the door and stepped outside. The door slammed shut and the wheezing sound began again.

You whirled around. "No!" You screamed. "No, no, no!" You placed your hands on the slowly disappearing blue wood as tears rapidly rolled down your cheeks. When the box was gone, you sunk to your knees, sobbing.

Finally, you shakily stood and looked forlornly at the place where the box had stood and one phrase came to mind.

"Rule 1," you murmured.

"The Doctor Lies."

( A/N: I have this planned to be a two part one shot!! )

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