Piano Keys - 9 x Reader

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(A/N: I envisioned this with 9, but it is also good for any other Doctor, too. I made it so while it's meant to be for 9, if you want to read it as 10, 11, or 12, you can do that too. Also, this one is super long and I wrote it at, like, 3 in the morning. I had feels while writing this one. Hope you enjoy!
Warning: feels and sadness. )

Finally, after a long and boring week, it was time for your trip with the Doctor. You peeked out the bedroom window and grinned when you caught sight of the blue police box, a stark contrast to the dreariness of the rainy day.

You slipped on your coat and laced up your boots and ran outside to the TARDIS. You unlocked the doors and smiled. 'Bigger on the inside,' you thought giddily. "Doctor!" You called. You got no response.

You frowned. After shutting the TARDIS doors, you walked to the console and circled it a few times before discovering a note. It was obviously written by the Doctor, judging by the messy cursive.

It read:

I'm sorry, but the only adventure you'll get today is exploring the TARDIS. She needs to be repaired so I'm doing some work. Please stay around, though. I hope want to see you at some point. But, with the TARDIS, you never know. She tends to be unpredictable. Anyway, have a fantastic time!
-The Doctor"

You smiled to yourself. You draped your coat over one of the posts and climbed the stairs to a TARDIS hallway. Humming quietly to yourself, you wandered around and around, peeking in rooms of all kinds. A library, a closet, a bakery, and a weird room with a forest. With all these different rooms, the TARDIS was a town in itself. It could have been a whole universe!

Eventually, you opened a simple door to yet another entrance to the library. But this space was different. The shelves were filed with thin books, folders, and loose papers. The area was decorated with musical instruments of all kinds, from a piano, to an electric guitar, to an oboe, and other things that you didn't know existed, the oboe included.

What caught your eye, though, was the beautiful grand piano. It's white surface seemed to shimmer, and the golden Gallifreyan designs shone brightly.

You couldn't contain your excitement. You loved playing the piano! You dashed to the shelves. Turns out, they were filled with music, or books about music, or books on how to write music, or anything having to do with music.

You set the stack down on a stool and sat on the bench in front of the piano. Gently, you pressed down on a key. A beautiful note filled the air, perfectly pitched. It was the most wonderful sound you had ever heard.

Slowly, you began to play a song. You didn't know exactly what you were playing. The music would start happy, higher notes and a faster pace, then become more sad, the notes lower and slower.

Unknown to you, the Doctor leaned against a bookshelf, listening to your song. A wave of emotions surged through him. He remembered his happy days before the Time War began. He thought of all of his good memories, and his friends. All of his wonderful, fantastic companions. You. As the notes slowed and deepened, he thought of Gallifrey. How lonely he was deep inside. How someday, he'd leave you, or you'd leave him, simply because he was a Time Lord. He would live on, whilst you would not. He thought of a promise you had made.

"Doctor?" You said quietly. "Yes, y/n?" He responded absentmindedly. "How long will I be allowed to stay with you?"

He looked up with a raised eyebrow. You blocked truly concerned, and he chuckled. "That's for you to decide," he said. You broke into a dazzling grin and ran to embrace him.


"Yes, y/n?"

"Wanna know how long I'll stay?"

"How long?"


But it couldn't happen, and he knew it. And that broke his hearts.

Slowly, your song came to a stop. The Doctor walked up behind you. "That was beautiful. Absolutely fantastic," he said quietly. You smiled shyly. "Thank you, Doctor." His head was down and your smile slowly dropped. "Doctor..." He looked up and his cheeks were stained with tears. "Oh Doctor!" You cried and threw your arms around him. You felt hot tears soaking through your shirt as you held him gently.

When he pulled away , you brushed a tear gently from his cheek. "Doctor, what's wrong?" You asked. "You'll leave me one day. Somehow. You'll be taken away, or killed. And I don't know if I could live with that. You're my girl. My fantastic, amazing human girl and I love you. You'll fade, and I will not. That's the curse of the Time Lords. Everyone I love had to go at some point," he said softly.

You hugged him once more. "I love you Doctor. And nothing could ever take me away from you."

The Doctor smiled and kissed your forehead. "Would you play some more?" He asked. You nodded, your fingers hovering over the keys. "Of course," you replied, and started playing out another tune.

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