Rose - 10 x Reader

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Rose Tyler was the bane of your existence.

Oh sure, she was a sweetheart. The perfect girl. She was clever, kind, witty, and beautiful. Perfect, at least from the Doctor's perspective.

It had been two years since Rose had been taken away. You missed her, but not in the same way the Doctor did.

After all, he had loved her.

You had too, like a sister. Rose was your closest friend and you had trusted her with so much. But now, you hated hearing her name.

Especially during situations like this.

"Rose never would have done this! She would have left the controls alone, just like I asked her to!" The Doctor raved angrily. You sat in the captain's seat silently, your eyes trained on the ground.

"We never would have gotten trapped by the Daleks and I would still have my sonic," the Doctor continued. "And another thing-" "Enough!" You cried angrily, standing up. The Doctor looked at you in surprise. You never shouted, at least at him.

"I'm not Rose, Doctor. My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I'm not clever or smart or beautiful like Rose was," you said, biting back angry tears. "So stop comparing me to her. I don't want to be your second choice. If you keep it up, you're going to have to find you another companion, because obviously, I don't meet the requirements."

The Doctor opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off. "No. I'm sick of your excuses. I miss her too, Doctor. Really. But you've told me to move on after those I love die. So I'm gonna have to ask you to do the same, or I'm out of here. I don't want to go, but if I'm just your scrappy Rose replacement, then I will."

For a long while, the Doctor stood staring at you, speechless. You'd just threatened to leave him. And you'd just shouted angrily at him. Those two things had never happened before and he hated it. His face burned with shame. He missed Rose from the bottom of his hearts, but he refused to lose Y/N too.

He held out his arms to you, and you ran straight towards them. You threw your own arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I just miss her. And every little thing reminds me of her. Even you." He pulled away momentarily, his thumb grazing over your cheek. "Especially you."

"Me? How? You've spent a long while telling me how I'm not like her," you questioned with a small frown. "You're all she was and more," he responded. "You're beautiful, smart, kind, selfless, brave, bold, and clever. I already lost her. But it'd break my hearts to lose you too."

Now it was your turn to stay speechless. Soon, your lips curled up into a smile. "I love you Y/N," he whispered. "Even though it never seemed like it, I did. Always have. And always will. Until the universe ends."

"I love you too, Doctor," you whispered and smiled. He leaned in and kissed you softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck. The kiss was short lived, but passionate and lovely. You'd never forget it.

From then on, Rose Tyler was hardly mentioned. She would be missed, but soon, the Doctor stopped seeing her in you. He came to realize something important.

Rose may have been great, but you were much better. You were everything she was and more.

A/N: been forever since I wrote. Hopefully, I'll be on track more!

•xoxo Maddie

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