Trench Coats - 10 x Reader

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You rolled lazily around in your bed. Today was easily the most boring day ever. Things were never boring when you were on the TARDIS, but today was different.

The Doctor insisted on doing "minor repairs" to the TARDIS. You assumed this meant a few hours. You were way wrong. The Doctor had been repairing for an entire day.

You sighed in exasperation. You could go to the library... Or the pool... Or any of the other interesting rooms in the TARDIS. But as you peeked into the control room, you saw something that caught your eye.

The Doctor's trench coat.

Smiling slyly, you tiptoed over to the rack where you both slung your coats. You peeked through the see through TARDIS floors to see the Doctor still tinkering away at who knows what.

Happily, you grabbed the trench coat and slipped it on. Finding yet another pair of his glasses in the pocket, you slipped those on too. You felt around in the other pocket. Psychic paper. Sonic screwdriver. Perfect.

Now, you couldn't see much, as the glasses were way to strong. So, as you took one step forward, you promptly fell on your face.

This caught the attention of the caring Doctor. He hurried up the steps to the console area. By then, you had picked yourself up off the floor and had stuffed the annoying glasses back in the pocket. You flopped the sleeves around for a moment, admiring yourself in the coat. You hadn't noticed the Doctor. You were too busy noticing the way the coat was too big and how the sleeves reached past your fingertips and the hem dragged the floor.

You breathed in the smell of the coat, being happily reminded of the Doctor. It smelled like Stardust and whatever hair product he used. It wasn't a bad smell.

You felt a pair of eyes on you. You turned to the the Doctor with narrowed eyes. Whether he was angry or just being goofy, you couldn't tell. So you just batted your eyelashes and smiled innocently. "Is that my jacket?" He asked accusingly.

You shook your head, playing dumb, your (e/c) eyes filled with a teasing innocence. "Most definitely not," you attempted to assure him. "But I would like to say, it looks fricken fabulous on me."

Much to your relief, he burst out laughing. You dashed around the console with him following you. "Allons-y Doctor!" You shouted and he laughed. You grinned happily as the jacket flowed out behind you as you ran.

Eventually he caught you and held you right in his arms. Your squirmed, giggling happily. "I think you look good in it too," he whispered, making you turn a bit red. When he finally let you go, he took the coat with him.

You sighed dejectedly. You had really liked that coat.

Much to your surprise and happiness, you found an almost identical one in your room a few days later.

So yeah! That's imagine #2!! This was inspired by one of The_Lost_Timelord_ 's Think of This book. I'll probably be using lots of them as prompts because they're just that good.

•xoxo Maddie

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