I won - Jack Harkness [Request]

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Hey guys! So this is a request for the wonderful @tabihowlter for the one and only Captain Jack Harkness.

Plot: "Something where I am also immortal and the 10th Doctor doesn't want to introduce me to Jack because he'd get jealous when Jack flirts me but we finally do meet?"

Warning: brief mention of suicide

Word Count: 785

If she were to be honest, Tabi didn't like being immortal on most days. Sure, any mortal would do almost anything at the shot of being able to live forever. But she had grown tired of seeing those she loved die. The last straw had been pulled when her 7th best friend died in World War II. After being rushed to a hospital and having wounds taken care of, she then realized, after hearing the mummers of the doctors, that she should have died.

Lucky for her, a certain man came around when he did. Her newest and longest lasting best friend, the immortal Time Lord: The Doctor. She loved him to death, more than any other best friend she'd had. And she knew he would never leave her, with his messy hair and trench coat.

One day, he'd mentioned something peculiar to Tabi, something that left her wondering. They'd been sitting in the main console room, chatting, when the subject of immortality had come up.

"I knew a guy like you once," He'd said. Immediately, she perked up. After all, if this "guy" was like her, then he was human. Fully human. And immortal.

"Who?" she demanded to know. The Doctor had only chuckled.

"Oh, it's no big deal."

From then on, Tabi never forgot. In fact, it had been precisely one month, two weeks, and three days since they'd first spoken about this immortal man. And, she had thought about it every day, bringing it up to the Doctor at least once a week. Finally, after too much waiting, she got a little information about this mystery man.

"Why can't I meet him?" she begged. He, of all people, must have known of the loneliness she felt when she thought about being the only immortal human being.

"He's a huge flirt. I'd feel horrible if he broke your heart or anything," the Doctor had responded, not looking up from what he was doing. Tabi broke into a grin. She wanted to meet him even more now.

Three weeks after that, she brought it up, yet again, and finally got the answer she had been longing for.

"Oh, fine!" The Doctor grumbled. He punched in coordinates of this man, whom she learned to be Captain Jack Harkness, and she danced around the console happily, a giddy grin curling at her lips.

"Oh, thank you!" Tabi said, embracing the Doctor. HE stiffened at first, before softening and hugging back. "I can't believe I won't be the only one of my kind. There'll be someone who understands me."

The Doctor smiled sadly and she smiled back, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Don't worry, Doctor. No matter how much I may like Captain Harkness, I wouldn't leave you for the world."


The Doctor led Tabi out of the TARDIS. A man stood in front of her, a man Tabi could tell she would instantly like, judging by the smirk he wore. The Doctor took a deep breath, but before he could say anything, the man stepped forward and offered his hand.

"Captain Jack Harkness," he said smoothly, in a way that somehow made a blush creep up onto her cheeks. Tabi managed a response, despite how flustered he had made her.

"Uh... Tabi. That's me. Immortal human. Yeah," she rambled. Jack chuckled amusedly while the Doctor watched on in amazement. He'd never seen Tabi so tongue tied.

"Well, I suppose I can leave you to it," The Doctor said. Tabi shot him a glare, that clearly told him to stay, so he did, an amused grin on his face the whole time.

The two immortals sat, right there, in front of the TARDIS and talked for hours, sharing stories. How they became immortal. Things they'd lived through. People they knew. They laughed and cried and comforted each other. But, eventually they had to say their goodbyes. They stood, staring at each other.

"Goodbye, Captain," Tabi said softly. She gave him a small smile and leaned up and kissed his cheek. Now it was his turn to turn pink. She laughed. "I've made the infamous Jack Harkness blush," she teased.

Instantly regaining his swagger, Jack smirked. "I bet I can make you blush more," he challenged proudly.

"Oh yeah?" she shot back. Without a response, in one swift motion, Jack had his hand gently on the back of her neck and his lips on hers. Tabi stiffened, and Jack began to pull back, but she reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck instead. The kiss lasted forever, every second of it just as perfect as the last.

When they pulled away for air, Tabi's cheeks were bright red. Jack smirked proudly.

"I won."

[ Hope you enjoyed that! Hopefully, I'll be updating more often now. Love you guys and thanks for 6.4 k reads. Wow! That is just incredible. Like, insane incredible! You guys are amazing. Keep up the votes and comments and requests. Love you!

Xoxo, Maddy ]

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