The Doctor Lies - part 3

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The Cybermen attack was still going on, hours later. You had found protection in a small alleyway. Or so you thought.

We're going to die, you thought. The Doctor hadn't showed up. The Cybermen hadn't slowed. You were hurt, bruised and incredibly weak. And you were positive the Earth was going to burn.

You closed your eyes for a brief moment. You heard passing Cybermen and people screaming and you were filled with anger. Why hasn't he come? You thought. But he was probably dead, with the Daleks. You'd always refused to think like that. Despite what you told yourself, you still cared about him. Maybe he was just prisoner, you would think. Maybe he was still searching for a way out. Maybe he'd escaped and couldn't find you.

But your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of stomping metal feet. You squeezed your eyes shut and sat silently, not even daring to breathe, praying it wouldn't find you.

When the footsteps silenced, you opened your eyes. But instead of the Cyberman going away like you thought, he was standing in front of you. You let out a scream. "You will be upgraded," it said. You backed farther down the alley, until your back was pressed against the wall. The Cyberman's hand sparked with electricity, reaching towards your neck. There was no where to go. You were trapped.

You had to focus on other things besides death. The sounds. Metal stomping on concrete. Shouts, screams, guns firing, and... An all too familiar sound.It had to be the TARDIS. You couldn't be hallucinating but you didn't see it. Closing your eyes, you imagined the Doctor and his TARDIS and the lovely sounds it made. At least you would die with good thoughts lingering.

"Don't touch her."

You jumped at the sound of the voice. You didn't recognize it's thick Scottish accent. He sounded unspeakably angry.

Suddenly, the Cyberman froze and then collapsed to the ground. You stared at it for a moment before looking to see who spoke.

It was the man from earlier, the older one, with the crazy eyebrows and the stern look. He was holding what looked like the Doctor's screwdriver up to the sky. Cybermen were collapsing to the ground all over. Your eyes widened and the man flashed you a shaky smile, as if he hardly ever used it. You didn't know it was true.

"Y/N," he whispered. "Doctor," you murmured and staggered towards him. You threw your arms around him and he stiffened, his arms obviously not sure where to be. "I'm not a hugging person anymore," he mumbled. You smirked and hugged him tighter. "You don't have much of a choice," you replied, and eventually he hugged you tightly.

Suddenly, in a guest of anger, you pulled away and slapped him across the face. "Blimey," the Doctor mumbled. "I deserved that didn't I?" "You're damn right you did!" You snapped. "You left me! For two years!" "I know, I'm sorry. I was just... Afraid you wouldn't want to travel with me anymore," he responded. He placed a hand on your cheek and smiled fondly. "But I've missed you."

You try to stay angry, but it's impossible. Even though he looks so different, he's still the same man. You smiled and placed your hand on his. "I've missed you too," you said quietly. Then you laughed. "But was that an invitation?" The Doctor gave you a wry smile. "I suppose it is." He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the TARDIS. You stepped inside and gasped.

"You redecorated," you state plainly. He nods as you make a face. "I don't like it." He glowers at you and you smile innocently. "You ridiculous humans. No sense of style, or class. The TARDIS has both because I redecorated. What about the new face and the new style? Class and Style, and no more ridiculous bow ties," He informs you. You laugh. "You're old now. And those eyebrows! Yikes! They're worse than your chin was! As for your class, I'd say that I like the jacket. But I liked the bow ties better." Once again the Doctor silently fumes as you laugh. This new grouchy personality would take some getting used to, but you could foresee yourself using it to amuse yourself many times. All it took was a simple insult and he'd fire one right back.

"So, Miss L/N," he said with a small smile. "Where to next?" You grin and spin around the console and place your hand on the lever and told him what you told him four years ago when he first asked you where you wanted to go.

"Somewhere awesome."

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