im back kiddos

1.2K 10 1

Wow. WOw. WOW. 

It has been two years since I have updated this book. 2 whole years. But I'm back. And thank you so much for all the love and support. This is my most read and voted for book with (get this) 45k reads and 1.2k votes!! Like, wow!

To thank all 45,000 of you who have read parts of this story, I'm going to try to update more often. I enjoy writing and have managed to change it from something overwhelming to something calming and reduces my anxiety. It took me a while to figure that out, but I think I've got it. So, as I start my senior year (eek), I'm going to try to make writing a weekly, or monthly, part of my life. My goal is to start out with monthly updates, with a few surprise stories if I'm feeling inspired. 

I really hope all 45k of you are still interested in reading. Please comment if you are, and feel free to message me requests or just to chat! I have a few inspiring requests that I'm looking forward to fulfilling.

Again, and I cannot stress this enough, thank you for your love, support, and patience. 

If you are interested in other fandoms, let me know! I currently have a book out on Hamilton the Musical One Shots, and a brand new story called "Ghost Hunter", based around the Ghoul Bois of Buzzfeed Unsolved, Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej. I am also considering dipping my toe into some Marvel fics, and am very inspired to do something with Peter Parker. 

Love you all, and I'll see you soon!

xoxo, Maddie

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