Chapter 17

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I'm asleep

Ring! Ring!!

Nope not tonight, i'm asleep.

Ring!! Ring!! Ring!!!!

"Answer the phone for the love of all that's holy!" The groggy muffled voice mumbled from the heap of messy blonde hair beside me answered. Dean refused to lift his head from the pillow his head was on. "Hello?" I answered grabbing the clock that was near by and looking at it. 4:15 the red numbers teased. "Ahh yes Captain Luna I hope I'm not waking you at this hour." No all hybrid things are awake at this time. To you know, think about life's mysteries and other things. Or doing things with our attractive partner. This wasn't what we were doing, he was asleep as soon as the moon came up. "Oh no Chris I was awake." I cleared my throat trying to make my last statement more believable. "Uh huh, well since you're up I need you to come in to my office darling. We need to talk about stuff." "Yeah Chris, sure thing I'll be there at what? Nine or so?" Hoping that for once he would agree with me. Emphasis on hoping. "No Cande,  I'm sorry but we need to talk as soon as possible. Just you no one else." Sneaking out of the house to see Chris wasn't hard at all, everyone here slept like the dead.

The drive to HQ was long and dark. The sun hadn't even began to poke it's rays over the hills, no not yet instead by the looks of the sky there was  going to be no sun. The scent of rain came into the car through the cracked window and lingered. No matter how many times I had come to the HQ It always made me a bit uneasy, especially the times when Chris only wanted to see me. Chris never wanted to talk in private to discuss good things like kittens, and other adorable things. No it was always something that would put me, my crew or my girls at risk. The insane quietness of the HQ did nothing to ease my nerves. If anything it just made them worse and made the elevator ride seem like it was a small square box of death that seemed to go on forever. Finally there was a soft ding letting me know that I had reached the floor I had wanted and the doors opened slowly. I knew how to walk, hell I had been doing it ever since I was a baby but now. My legs had forgotten how to move and instead of walking I felt as if I were dragging myself instead. I loved Chris, really I did but I really didn't want to talk to him in private. I didn't want to know whatever it was he had to tell me, it couldn't be good. Hesitantly I raised my fist and softly hit it against the big oak door in the most pathetic way, resulting in a pathetic knock. He's not here lets go! We can go back to sleep, or eat. Food sounds good and I'm hungry. I know we've only been up for a half hour but I could eat. Lets go get something good! 

The little voice was right he wasn't answering so technically I could leave. I mean I knocked right? I stepped back and at the very moment I had turned on my heels to head in the opposite direction of where I was supposed to be a voice called out. "Cande? Cande my darling please come in. I thought I smelled you, I mean you have a quite distinct scent with you being what you are. Come, Chris is waiting for you." Janeal walked over gracefully and it looked as if she were doing some sort of delicate dance instead the way she just glided. Totally aware of her strength she gently grabbed hold of my hand and lead me into Chris' office. "There's my girl" he greeted warmly smiling and holding out an outstretched hand to the chair that sat in front of him. "Janeal a minute." She didn't need to be told a second time to leave. The soft sound of the door closing let me know that now Chris and I were totally alone in his office.

"Don't look so worried, you're not in trouble. No, I just needed you to come down and go over some of the specifics of the mission with you. Since you are the captain after all."  He took a slow drink from his cup, making sure to keep in contents un known. "Now as you know you'll be going all over trying to track Koda down. But you will also be going to the parts of the world where the infected have let their infected parts take over. I know it's dangerous but if anyone could get them to side with us and help make our fight better it would be you." "Because i'm the best right?" I teased trying to calm myself from what he just told me. "Now, now I was a captain as well but since i'm not. Yeah i'll humor you and say that's why. Serious though You will be meeting with the large pack of werewolves, their alpha is named Max and his mate is Eli. Gain their trust and the rest should be easy for you. You know the vampires have some sort of kingdom which means they already have an army. Just speak to their queen Maddison, also there's a list of others I need you to meet with but I won't bore you with that right now. Although you will be meeting with a colony of shifters, yes you know their leader very well. It's Atticus so I could only imagine he would side with you on anything." I wasn't worried about having to deal with the infected, just I felt my heart drop and try to come out of my chest at the mention of Atticus. He had been my very best friend before this all happened. Him and I were constantly with each other practically connected at the hip. He was my rock. When the shit hit the fan we went our own ways and I lost my rock. I hadn't seen or spoken with him ever since. "Cande, Cande are you going to be okay? I know what happened and I thought you would be happy to see him again. If you don't want to I can have you meet with someone else. Oh lovie I didn't mean to upset you, you know that." Chris spoke in a soft comforting voice as he placed my hand on mine. "No i'm fine Chris." I finally choked out trying to push the thought of seeing Atticus again to the back of my mind.

A low humming noise broke through the air and I knew exactly what it was. Before it lit up I hid under the desk so who ever it was couldn't see me. "Ah Chris so good to see you for a second I thought you would be sleeping. But I guess not. Tell me how are my girls?" I could feel my blood get hot and begin to boil under my skin. I couldn't be happier that I had hid my "Family" were the last things I wanted to deal with. "Your girls." Chris replied with a really? in his tone, he know that they abandoned us long ago. "Well Cande and Rachel are doing very well. Cande has turned in to quite something and Rachel is coming out just fine." Turning in to something i didn't think that was possible considering she is already something." I could hear Sarah whisper in the back meaning for it to only be heard by who ever was by her. Shut her up! Not really because physically that is impossible but ask her what her acclomplisments are. I mean it's not like she's doing well for herself and family. Nor does she have an incredibly attractive husband. Because well you know, he is fugly! Do something! Anything! As hard as it was I ignored the voice and remained under the desk. It was the more mature thing to do than give her the response she wanted. 

"Well she may have turned into something, something amazing and you, none of you will ever know how amazing the girls are. How brave Cande is and how much she's been through and still able to love and be compasionate. How Rachel is following in her foot steps and becoming her own person at the same time. How both of the girls put their family first. Their real family here, and they know we will love them no matter what. You gave them up as being your girls the moment you fled and didn't think twice to look back. As far as I'm concerned they're mine and Janeal's girls." Chris' tone deepened in an almost threatening tone and the cup he had been holding shattered in a million little pieces. For the first time every one on the screen was speechless, not knowing what to say or do. "Well I heard she's going to get married and as her biological family we've ordered a request for it to be held here. Not  there." My mom finally spoke up trying to match Chris' intimidating tone but failing horribly. "That's nice, it's going to be denied not only by your government but by Cande herself. Do her, them, us a favor and stop acting like you care. You're just giving Rachel false hope. She's fine with who she has." 

Utter silence filled the room. There was no more soft humming from the projections, or the heart beats. Just nothing. Lifting myself I peeked over the desk I had hid under and looked at Chris who had his head bowed down. "I'm sorry my darling. I fear I may have stepped out of my place by speaking for you and Rachel like that." Remaining silent I walked over to him and hugged him hiding my face in his shirt and cried quietly. I just wanted him to hold me to try and make the pain go away. Like how a child does when they're scared. He did so, he just held me tightly against him in a way to show everything was going to be okay. He was right, Him and Janeal were our parents and with that thought I couldn't be anymore happy. 


So this is the Cande in my story lovies. She's going to kill me if she finds out I did this. She's just so pretty though! Tee hee winky face

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