Chapter 6

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"Just put the ring on my finger. Trust me this will work Dean is like my brother. We're practically the same person, same deal as you and Mikaela. So just put the ring on me and I can honestly tell you if Dean is going to like it." I hope you two aren't the same people. I mean I love you and all I just don't think I can deal with another queen. Aiden is just so sassy, too sassy. I looked down at the silver almost  white looking band that stared right back at me. It was almost as if were purposely trying to intimidate me. "That's right take me all in. Realize that you're fucked and stuck with the same person for the rest of your life. You're immortal so sucks to be you." Is what I could almost hear it saying, but it wasn't. I hesitated as I picked it up and slid it on to Aiden's waiting ring finger. "Oh yes! Oh Yes! This is it, this is the ring you're getting him! Captains make more than enough money so you can't use the price as an excuse. He's going to love it!" Aiden held his hand out to admire the ring more. "Oh what a lovely couple you two are when is the big day?" A sales lady in about her seventies asked smiling. Before Aiden could answer I began. "Oh in the fall you know. I'm very lucky about marrying this guy, not only is he my brother but he's who i'm going to spend my life with him forever in a whole different way. Good thing is we don't look alike so no one will know we're related." I ended by smiling at her and then looking at Aiden in the most loving way. She clearly didn't approve because she said nothing as she walked away. "Really? You just don't behave do you. All she was doing was asking a simple question and you had to be a smart ass. It was pretty funny though. I can see why Dean is so madly in love with you." Aiden slipped the ring off and bumped his shoulder against mine, smiling the whole time. "Well Aiden what was I supposed to do? She was making an assumption before anything. I don't like when people make assumptions." You should have told her it was for his life long partner. I think that would have been more believable. But hey what you told her worked, got her to leave us alone.

"You know you didn't have to agree to go on this mission with me don't you? I mean I could have gotten a whole other crew. I just, I don't know it's dangerous not that the last one wasn't but. I don't know Aiden, I guess just the thought of Koda having a personal vendetta against me is what's freaking me the fuck out. He's going to be that much more vengeful when our paths cross. I just don't want to think that anything may happen to you guys. You guys are my family." I could feel my heart pump the blood faster at that thought. "Don't worry about it. I know it's scary I have all of my faith in you. I mean look at how the first one went, yeah we had a couple of mishaps but we got out of them. Nothing too serious happened. You were able to get us out of the messes we got into, all of us. So if you don't believe in yourself then I do, we all do. I know for a fact that Mikaela would follow you into darkness. If you're scared of anything it should be this wedding. I mean really we have a lot of work to do. You're lovely Cande, really you are but we have to do some work. Maybe let your hair grow out on the side, your posture, and of course your balance in heels." We have another sister! Listen to him he is more femine than you. I don't think he would be a very pretty girl though. I mean if anyone needs work it's him. Slap him. Slap the bitch! We're fine just the way we are, Dean is happy. Take the queen's crown!  At least we know that the agency doesn't descriminate agianst sexuality. Do you think we should tell Mika about his secret or no? I mean it would break her heart finding out she's in love with a queen. "I'm straight! Don't think I'm not because I am. Like I said I am the only boy of eight." He heard me! I'm not safe but don't trust him about being straight! It's just a cover so don't be surprised when you catch him in your closet trying on your clothes!   

I just shook my head and laughed at Aiden. "I know you're straight Aiden love, you're with my sister. We should probably head back home now." I'm not sure when it happened or even having a conversation about the guys moving in with us, but it just happened. No one was inside when we arrived home, even though it really wasn't anything to get worked up about I could feel it starting to happen. The frantic feeling of not knowing where Rachel was taking control as I searched around the house calling for her. Nothing, there was no response. "Cande it's okay they probably just left or something. Maybe they went to go get something to eat, think about it Mika, Taylor, Rach, and Dean are gone. That means they probably left together so just relax. It's okay; you're going to end up calling your wolf out." Aiden placed his hand on my shoulder but it was already too late for me to relax. "Good god i'm going to feel bad for your children." He replied looking at me as I frantically sniffed around. "Well since I can't talk to you in this form here." He pulled out the collar that he had worn back in Alaska, so he was able to talk to me. "You really get to worked up they're outside, see."   Before he could get out into the back yard I pushed myself in front of him. Accidentally knocking him over and into the wall. "I'm sorry." I called as I headed into the yard. 

Rach, Taylor, Dean, Mika, Eleon, and Sam stood there frozen in their place not really knowing what to do. "Cande?" Mikaela asked taking a slow step towards me. "Yes." I replied pinning my ears back against my head. "I told her you guys were somewhere here but did she listen to me? Nooo. She had to get paranoid and freak out when she couldn't find you. She's able to shift very quickly though, it's like she doesn't have to think about doing it, it just happens. That's scary for anyone she doesn't like or well you know." I knew exactly what Aiden was getting at. He was indirectly talking about the two boys that Taylor and Rach had taken a liking to. If they ever hurt one of my girls I would kill them without giving it a second thought. Well not actually kill them but you get the point. "Now that you can see everyone is just fine you can turn back. But not out here, I'm sure no one wants to see your bits and pieces Cande. Mikaela rubbed the side of my face and smiled. "Come on big girl lets get you inside so you can get decent." Without saying anything more I headed back inside, looking at Eleon and Sam one last time before going all the way in. "Yes you're very scary and much, much bigger than both of them. They're not going to do anything stupid to the girls. I'm sure they don't have a death wish."  Dean gave me a gentle nudge to keep me moving. 

"I know you have every right to be paranoid with everything going on now. But Rach and Taylor don't know what's going on. You haven't said anything about the new mission. They probably just think you're over protective. Sooner or later you're going to have to tell them that we're leaving again." "I know Dean." I snapped, not meaning to but it just happened that way. "I'll deal with it when we cross that bridge but until then." He nodded and sat on the bed, just staring into space. "You can leave now." I held my paw towards the door. "Really Cande? I mean, Really?" I didn't say anything just stared at him. He didn't do anything but let out a little laugh as he left the room. I knew exactly what he was getting at by me making him leave. "That's much, much better. Not that you're an ugly wolf but I would much rather see the person I fell in love with." Dean pulled me against him in a tight hug as I entered the living room. "So what was everyone doing in the back yard. It's going to get dark soon, you know what comes out in the dark every now and again. It's not safe."  He raised his hand and placed a finger on my lips to get me to stop talking. "We were having wedding practice. Since I am the groom after all the girls asked if their uh, companions could be in it. I figured why not, you know. Better  than making them get stuck with one of the guys I know. We were going to get done pretty soon because yes I know what lurks in the shadows. Mark isn't the only thing that likes the dark, believe it or not Pods come out at night sometimes Cande." "Now isn't the time for you to be a smart ass Dean." 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't mess with you like that. Not now at least, once we get past all of this I can so just be ready." He smiled and winked trying to lighten the whole subject. Look at him he thinks all he has to do is smile and wink and all will be forgiven. He thinks he's cute or something, wait. Who am I kidding he's adorable and he knows it. You know it, Aiden knows it everyone knows it. I'm sure the old lady at the jewelry shop would find him adorable as well. Oh yes our children are going to be very lovely when we reproduce with this sexy beast. ;)

"Bye." The two boys called as they hugged Rach and Taylor. Once again I could feel myself begin to get worked up. It's a hug. You better than anyone know that hugs eventually lead to other things. Oh my. If that were to ever happen Kill them. Kill them and get rid of the bodies. I know a good place you can hide the body if it comes to it. We'll get through this together. Closing my eyes I calmed myself, it was just a hug. Hugs are friendly unless hormones get the best of the boys and well you know. Somehow I managed to stay calm even though every part of me told me to over react. I was too on edge for too many reasons. "Rach, I need to talk to you." Even though I didn't want to tell her about the mission it was the one thing I could do to relieve some of the stress I had and hopefully stop my paranoia from getting the best of me. 

 I mean really I'm Cande Luna. An agency captain of the black falcon. I have my own fucking crew that work under me. I have saved many, many people. I have gone up against some of the most infected and mutated fuckers to walk this earth. I could surely deal with a teenage girl right?

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