Meeting and A Warning

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The Day After Anna's Marriage

"-It's not like she would freeze you or anything!"

Blue eyes looked from the plate up to the strawberry blonde haired Princess that has just entered the Dining Hall while she talked with her new husband who was tailing just behind her. A small smile graced upon the Queen's face at the sight of her sister, she wouldn't even ruin the morning by scolding the Princess due to her lateness. "Good morning, Anna, Kristoff."

"Good morning, Elsa!" The younger sister's smile was so bright she could have lit the entire kingdom as she wrapped her arms around her sister from behind her chair. "How was your sleep?"

"It was fine, thank you." The Queen nodded at her sister as she sat on her chair, at the right side of the Queen, with the blonde haired Mountain Man right beside her. "I would have asked the same thing to you but I have decided not to."

Anna's laughter broke then, and all the while her new husband could only sat awkwardly with face turning red. "Oh Elsa, I didn't know you would have those kind of thoughts!"

"As a Queen it is innappropriate for me to, but as a woman I do acknowledge what to expect to occur after a wedding." The platinum blonde haired woman said, tone just as calm and composed. There was a slight awkwardness of course, but she had been through the time where she had to have what people said 'that kind of talk' with Anna, a duty her parents could not fulfill and thus she took responsibility of it.

The breakfast went on with small talks exchanged between the three of the royal family. Kristoff did felt out of place at the beginning, as he has never dreamt he would marry a Princess, but as time passed he did connect to even the Queen herself as they did shared some time together like a brother and sister when they traveled to find the magic urn.

And three heads turned toward the door at it's sudden opening. Kai, one of the most loyal servant in the castle, stood by the doorway, arms still spread out with hands pressed on the surface of the doors. "Your Majesty, Your Highnesses, please forgive my rude interruption but there is someone that wish to see you, My Queen."

"Is it a must that I see them now?" Elsa questioned with a raised eyebrow, which earned her a nod from Kai. A quiet sigh escaped her before she turned her head toward her sister and brother in-law. "I must go. You two go ahead and continue your breakfast."

Teal and brown eyes watched as the Queen stood up from her seat and followed the butler, exiting the Dining Hall with the doors closing behind her. Strawberry blonde eyebrows furrowed in a frown as the Princess scowled at her husband. "What kind of guest demanded the Queen in such early morning?"

And while her sister and brother in-law sat wondering around the dining table, Elsa walked down the many halls of the Arendelle castle, eyes looking straight as she took graceful steps toward the Throne Room with Kai behind her.

The dark colored double doors opened, announcing the arrival of the Queen to whoever inside the Throne room without requiring a staff to do it vocally. Elsa stepped into the room, eyes finding the figure standing in the middle almost immediately, her brows furrowing just as soon as she saw the flaming hair of his.

"Your Majesty," a smile grew on the man's face, out of pride instead of welcoming, when he finally met the Queen yet again. "I see that you are well despite having spend some time in that urn."

"Prince Hans." The platinum blonde haired woman greeted through gritted teeth, holding back the fuming anger she felt inside of her after seeing the man she did not wish to meet again. "I see your eye is still suffering from it's last encounter with Anna's knuckles."

The Prince's brows furrowed, his left eye aching from the Arendelle Princess' unbelievable strength. "Your sister sure is something."

"What do you want until you find yourself back in my kingdom?"

"You are such a welcoming Queen." Hans retorted sarcastically as he could clearly hear the irritated tone in her voice. "What do you subjects think of you, I wonder."

Elsa's blue eyes rolled in annoyance as her arms crossed over her chest. "I do not have time for small talks."

"Right. Being Queen means you have a tight schedule, correct? I will go straight to the point then, as it seems to please her Majesty." The Prince took a couple steps closer to the Queen, gloved hands clasped behind his back. "I am here none other than to warn you of a threat that would fall upon your kingdom."

"Excuse me?" The platinum blonde haired Queen questioned with a raised eyebrow. "You dare threaten Arendelle in front of it's Queen?"

"You think that I'm a fool? The threat is not from me, Queenie." Hans scoffed, "It's from three of my brothers. They have joined forces with Weselton."

Elsa had to hold back her laughter at how ridiculous the intention of the Prince in front of her. "What makes you think that I would believe a word you said? You must have allied once again with your brothers, coming here and expect me to panic over your silly warning. I'm so sorry Prince Hans, I do not have the time, nor that I would waste any, to hear your meaningless babble."

"Because," the Prince caught the Queen's arm just as she turned to leave. "As much as I despise you, Your Majesty, I hate my brothers even more. They have done terrible things to me since I was a child. When I hear that they planned on taking over the kingdom I have once attempt to rule, I cannot let it happen. I don't know why, but perhaps because there was a part of me that believed if I could not take Arendelle then no one shall, especially someone that I know did not deserve it."

"Let go of me." Elsa hissed as she pulled her arm away and out of his grasp. "If it's true that your brothers will attempt to take over my kingdom then let me handle it myself. Now you may leave before I call the guards. And one more thing... You tried to take over Arendelle /twice/."

"If I didn't come all the way here then you wouldn't know any of this."

"Thank you for that, but I don't need any more of your help."

"Is that so?" Hans questioned, "Because I come here not only to give you a warning but also to offer you my help, willingly."

Turning around, the Queen of Arendelle raised one of her dark eyebrows. "And what is it that you want to offer me that could help me?"

"I know my brothers and the Southern Isles army. I can help you fight them."

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