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Present Day

"You're a natural."

A smile graced upon the platinum blonde haired woman as she kept her eyes focused at the baby boy she was holding in her arms. "You think so?" she wondered as she cooed at the young Prince. "Perhaps all this practice is working to prepare myself after all."

Mary Margaret nodded in agreement as she leaned against the couch, watching the soon to-be mother. "I've told you. Neal is really getting fond of you."

The Arendellian chuckled as she shifted her hold while she kept rocking the child. "He would be a great Prince when he grows up."

"Maybe he and your child could be friends in the future, now wouldn't that be glorious-" the dark haired woman was interrupted by the knock on the door that made both she and Elsa turned their attention toward the door. "Come in!"

The doorknob turned before the door was pushed open, revealing the auburn haired man as the guest. "Snow, I was wondering if..." he trailed off as his eyes caught the sight of his wife.

Yes he expected her to be at the Loft, she hasn't been spotted anywhere in town since the morning, that was the reason why he was there in the first place. But seeing her holding an infant in her arms, face beaming as she cooed at him, all the while having her own growing stomach, hugged by a light blue cardigan over a simple white shirt... He has never thought she could possibly be even more wonderful until now.

"You were wondering...?" Snow asked with furrowed eyebrows, confused as the man did not continue, instead he was just standing there with mouth agape.

Hans blinked as he returned from his daze, shaking his head to clear his mind and find the words that has stuck in his throat earlier. "I was wondering if Elsa is here and if she would want to go have a lunch with me?" He asked, eyes darted from the dark haired woman to the woman he has fallen in love with.

"Well, she is certainly here." Mary Margaret said before she turned toward the Arendelle's Queen. "But I don't know what she would say about your invitation."

"I thought I told you that I want to take things slowly?" Elsa questioned as she looked at the man. "I need time to adjust to your explanation about what happened between us."

"It's just a friendly lunch at Granny's, Elsa. It's not like I'm inviting you to go on a romantic dinner under the moonlight with me, though I can manage that too, if you want." He did raised his hands in surrender when he received an icy glare from her. "I was just joking."

"I think it's a good idea." Snow piped in, "Granny does serve some delicious meals for lunch. I'm sure having someone to talk to would be nice, Elsa."

"But Neal-"

"Don't worry about Neal, he's going to wake up for his milk time soon." The Savior's mother waved off, "And that can only be handled by me. You'll experience it soon, amongst other things."

And though Elsa did not entirely excited about it, she handled the baby back to his mother. "I'll be back later then."

"Have fun."

"You don't wear your jacket?" Hans questioned when she walked passed the coat hanger without grabbing the brown colored leather jacket hanging there.

"The cold doesn't bother me." She brushed off as she walked through the door. "Well? Are you coming or what?"

The auburn haired man sighed quietly as he nodded, he was just trying to show her that he cared for her and her health, but alas Elsa has never been an easy woman to show affection to when it comes from him. So he quietly followed the woman out and shut the door behind him.

Their walk to the Diner itself was filled with basic and light conversation exchanged between them, nothing overly serious if he wanted to keep her in a pleasant mood.

"After you." He said, opening the door to Granny's.

"Why, thank you, sir." She said as she walked in before he followed her, closing the door behind him. "You have been such a gentleman lately."

He chuckled as they took a seat at a booth, facing each other, her fingers interwined with each other as she placed her hands on the table. "You are a lady who deserve even more than that."

Unfortunately he could not have the chance to hear her answer to his words as the waitress already approached them, asking what they would like to order.

"I honestly doesn't know any of the food..." Hans admitted as he looked at the waitress with an apologetic look.

His statement made Elsa straightened in her seat, taking her hands off the table and placed them on her lap instead while she chuckled in amusement. "We'll have a hamburger and mineral water each then, thank you." She smiled at the waitress before turning her eyes back to the man sitting across from her when the waitress left with their order. "I hope you don't mind with my choice."

"I have faith in you that you will pick something good." He admitted, giving a smile at her.

They passed the time with him asking and her informing about the modern realm they were in. When the food came, his surprise of the food that he claimed to be 'a sandwich with larger everything' has succeeded in making her laugh as she explained that people love to eat it, with or without the fried potato sticks that people simply called as 'fries'.

And seeing her like this, carefree with no responsibilities as a Queen burdening her shoulders, made him wished that they could stay in the town forever, to raise their beloved child without the threat of war hanging so thickly in the air. But he knew that voicing his dream would not receive a positive respond from her, Elsa loved her kingdom and her people so much that she would never agree to the idea of leaving them, she was such a great Queen he sometimes wished she wasn't, just to have a simple and peaceful life with her until his last breath.


Her voice was a like a snap back into reality for him as he jerked his head up, eyes wide in surprise and filled with worry. "What is it?"

"I was talking to you but you didn't answer..." She said, brows furrowing. "What are you thinking about?"

"Forgive me... But it was nothing, really." He apologized, "What were you talkinv about?"

And though it was clearly reflected on her eyes that she did not believe him that it was nothing, she did not press the topic further. "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind walking me back to the Loft...?"

"Of course not, Elsa." He said, a hint of smile lingering on his lips as he stood up and offered for her to take his extended hand. "Milady?"

His acts of displaying royalty respect to her seemed to be able to amuse her every time, making him concluded that people here were viewed as equal and anyone could casually address the other even when they have different social class.

The feel of her soft and cold hand against his own made him smiled as he held her hand a little tighter, though instead of pulling it away, Elsa merely squeezed back as they walked out of Granny's.

Perhaps it was indeed possible for him to win her heart all over again.

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