Present Day"Anna."
The strawberry blonde haired Princess looked up from her folded arms, eyes puffy from her earlier sobbing as she turned her head to the side to look at her husband in the cell across from hers. "Huh?"
"Don't think too much of what they say, Elsa's fine." Kristoff tried to assure even when he himself could not prove it. But the love between the two sisters were strong, and if one was away the other would be desperate. "She's going to be alright."
"They sent her through a portal, Kristoff." Anna sniffled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "What if she ended up somewhere dangerous? What if there's no way for her to go back? What if something happened to her baby? What if she misc-"
"Hey, slow down, feisty pants." The Ice Master couldn't even bear the thought of the word his wife was going to say. "There is always a possibility that she ends up somewhere with nice people like Emma to help her find her way back."
The mention of the name made Anna missed Storybrooke. Sure, the place was odd and not Arendelle, but if there was no one who wants to cast a spell so people fight against each other, the town was quite nice. If there was a place for her to choose to live in beside Arendelle, it would be Storybrooke. Speaking of the small town... "Magic beans!" When her husband pressed his finger against his lips to remind her to be quiet, Anna lowered her voice. "We have to find magic beans, Kristoff. That way, we can go to where Elsa is and rescue her."
"And where would we find those?" The second the words left his mouth, Kristoff regretted ever saying it as he watched the hope that was once lit his wife's eyes faded along with the slump of her shoulders.
"You're right..." A quiet mumble was her respond as she rested her chin on her folded arms. "I should have been there with her."
That day Elsa had went to the market, all by herself, not even a single guard with her. She claimed that she was feeling cooped up in the castle, a little odd considering she wasn't as outgoing as her sister, but all had thought that she merely need a moment of peace, she even dismissed the suggestion of having guards accompanying her, claiming that she could take care of herself and that she would not be gone for long.
Whatever happened that day had led into her disappearance.
Evidentally, Anna blamed herself for not insisting in coming with her sister.
"Anna, don't be too hard on yourself." He told her as he ran his fingers through his blond hair, sighing. "We're all responsible for it, one way or another, anyone should have come with her."
"But no one bothered to!" Anna hissed angrily, "Not even me."
Why did he not come with her? He was sure he was capable enough in facing whoever has taken Elsa, and if not then he could have spare some time for her to flee. Compared to her, he was basically just a Mountain Man, alright his official title now was 'Prince-Consort' but still... Not as powerful nor important as the Queen.
Yet he knew, deep down, that Elsa would not let that happen. She was very selfless, to the point where he knew she would sacrifice herself for her sister's happiness, even with her life. She would not let him stay behind.
Another silence passed between them, there was no movement aside from the shadows coming from the dancing fire that lit the dungeon dimly.
Again he called for her name, he didn't want her to be lost in her own guilt-ridden mind. "I'm sure that wherever Elsa is, if Hans is there too then he would do anything to make sure that she's safe."
Somehow his words alone brought a small smile onto Anna's face. "He better be," she nodded, tucking a strand of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. "Or else I would punch him in the face."
Ha! Long time no see (really, really long time). It's been quite a while, and even when I don't really focus on writing that much anymore, I like this story enough to want to finish it, as possible plotlines have been flying in my mind lately, for some reason...
Chapter is kinda short because I'm still trying to get back into this story but hopefully it'll increase in time.

Memories [OUAT/Helsa]
Fiksi PenggemarThe sudden re-appearance of her old friend brought another puzzle for the Savior to solve. How could she find another portal to get the Ice Queen back to her realm and what has actually happened back in Arendelle? [Once Upon A Time] [OUAT] [Helsa]