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Present Day

"It's a date."

Elsa placed the hairbrush on the vanity as she turned to look at Emma, who sat on the bed with a knowing grin on her face and her leg placed on top of the other. "It's not a date."

Rolling her eyes, the Savior got up and went to stand behind her friend instead, placing her hands on her shoulders. "He asked you to go have dinner with him, you're wearing a dress, and he probably dressed nicely too... It's basically a date, Elsa."

"Who dates a pregnant woman?"

"Her husband?" Emma had expected to be given some sort of a disaproving look from her friend, a glare or a roll of her eyes, but she was mistaken.

Elsa was, in plain obvious sight, supporting a blush on her cheeks.

Apparently realizing her own reaction, the Queen of Arendelle quickly stood up and turned until she was facing her friend, hands running over the white knee-length dress she was wearing. "How do I look?" She bit her lip and fiddle with her fingers, cheeks still slightly flushed.

She had changed her mind indeed.

"You look great." Emma smiled, "Seriously, you're rocking pregnancy, Els."

The expecting mother mustered a small smile, looking over her shoulder to take one final look on her appearance.

"Have fun, alright?"


"-It took time for us to get used to each other, or actually for her to, but she eventually tolerate me."

His statement brought a chuckle from her as she shook her head. She really wouldn't even doubt it, Anna could be a little difficult sometimes, but her sister always had good intention.

"And me?" Elsa wondered as she looked at him as they walked by the docks. "How do I first... 'tolerate' you?"

Hans scratched his chin, feeling the hair that has started to grow, making a mental note to shave sometimes later. "It took a couple of years, though easier than Anna, since you are such a wise Queen and all." Here he received an eye roll from her which in turn make him chuckle. "But it was all worth it. I had never thought that I would be lucky enough to have your hand in marriage."

They fell into a peaceful silence then, and when their hand brushed over each other, Elsa had taken the bold step to take his hand in hers, holding on firmly.

The gesture truly surprised Hans, but all he did was smile as he laced their fingers together, his whole body suddenly filled with warmth of knowing that he was slowly getting his wife back.

Though, not for long.

At their way back to Snow's Loft, they were met with two figures standing at their way, clothed in Southern Isles' traditional coat.

Moving to stand in front of Elsa came from his instinct to protect her as a husband, and if he had his sword strapped to his waist, he would have pulled it out too. Unfortunately he was unarmed.

"Ah, afraid we will take your wife again, Hans?" Franz chuckled in amusement, taunting in a way that made Hans clutched his fist. "Threw her into a portal like last time?"


"Don't listen to them, Elsa." Hans warned, eyes glued onto the figure of his brothers in front of him. "They're lying."

This time it was Jurgen who laughed. "Really now?" His dark eyes turned to look at Elsa, whose body was half hidden behind Hans. "Tell me, Your Majesty, have my youngest brother here tell you what exactly is happening in Arendelle?"

She wanted to tell them that Hans has claimed that Arendelle was fine, that there was nothing for her to worry about, but the smug look on the brothers and the tightening of Hans' jaw made her doubted her intended answer.

Her silence must have been what the brothers have expected, a chance to taunt the couple even further. "It is truly a strange world here, everyone dressed differently, acted as if we are all equals, we have not yet seen a castle-"

"What happened in Arendelle?" Elsa questioned through gritted teeth, they were stalling, holding the information she desperately wanted just out of her reach.

"Elsa-" Hans reached out when the blonde stepped forward, passing him. When his fingertips brushed against her hand, she pulled it away, looking at him like she dared him to stop her.
Her anger, her eagerness to know, was what both Franz and Jurgen were waiting for. The dark haired Prince chuckled as he set his eyes on the Queen. "We have taken over Arendelle."

The questioning exclamation that came from the two of them clearly held two different meaning and tone.

When Elsa turned to look at him, there were clear disappointment and betrayal in her blazing cold eyes. "You lied to me."

It was not even a question anymore, he was made to realize, all the while his mind was drifting with disbelief. "N-no Elsa, they're lying." A poor attempt of defending his case, yet he was just so desperate to get her back that he payed no mind to it. "Please, trust me. They did not take over Arendelle before I came here."

"That is true, what my brother had said." Jurgen nodded casually, "He doesn't know what happened after  he's gone. There's a reason why we suspend the war for so long against Arendelle, we were waiting until it's rulers were out of the picture."

"You said everything is fine in Arendelle." The blonde woman's eyes narrowed, and under the moonlight it strangely darkened as she looked at the man standing beside her. "I can't believe I trusted you."


"Don't!" Elsa hissed as she slapped Hans' outstretched hand away. Not even minding the two men of the Southern Isles, she stormed away without another word.

Franz chuckled at the broken expression on his youngest brother's face. "Hurts, is it not? To see the woman you love despises you so much."

"Why?" Hans questioned through gritted teeth, hands clenched at his sides. "Why you hate me so much?"

"Simple, really." The long haired Prince chuckled. "It's entertaining to see your world crumpled before you, little brother."


"Hey, how was it?"

With her head hung low, Elsa barely got time to take off her jacket and hung it on the hanger, wiping her face as she did so.

Sensing her friend's discomfort, and not getting the reaction she was hoping for when she helped the blonde earlier, the Savior tried to reach out for her shoulder, but the Arendellian was clearly not wanting to be touched. "Something's wrong?"

"I... I don't want to talk about it, Emma." Elsa murmured as she headed to the stairs, climbing up without another word.

"... Well damn."

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