The Park

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Storybrooke, Maine
Present Day

"Your belongings."

Hans nodded as he looked at the small things scattered on the desk. There was nothing much there considering he did not bring much when he decided to stormed to his brothers' camp in search of his wife. There were just his cufflinks, gold in color and adored by a 'W' on each surface.

And the golden band belonged around his ring finger.

His cufflinks were heirlooms to the Southern Isles' Princes, worthy of nobles his family always made proud of themselves, but compared to the simple ring lying before him, not even a million of cufflinks could ever replaced it.

Stuffing the cufflinks in his pocket and putting the ring back to where it belonged, the auburn haired man thanked the man behind the counter before he walked out of the Hospital.

It had been a whole week since he confronted his brothers and ending up sent to this strange world in search for his wife, and yet not a day Elsa spent to visit him, not even a glance. Yes, she has no memory of their love, only the wrongs that he has done, but she could at least passed by, just to acknowledge him.

Perhaps she was tired, considering that she was carrying their child. Yes, that must be one of the reasons why she never came to visit. But who he was trying to fool? In her eyes, in her memories, he was still her enemy, the man that attempted to take over her kingdom, twice. Why would she even want to see him?

His feet unknowingly brought him to a park with a beautiful lake and view. It reminded him of the picnic spot Anna always so eager to come to, dragging her husband and older sister along, which means he was also included ever since he married the Queen. The Princess would love it here, with the ducklings and all.

Too absorbed by the view to notice, he did not even realize the presence of a woman sitting on the bench he sat himself down, not until she spoke to him that is. Or rather, questioning him.

"What are you doing here?"

His head turned upon hearing the voice he had been dying to hear in a whole week, though he knew from the tone alone that she was not pleased. "It's a park, Elsa. Anyone can be here."

Obviously it was not the answer she wanted as her brows furrowed in disagreement, but she did not push the subject further. Instead she started to get up, ready to leave if it was not for him catching her wrist in his grasp.

"Let me go."

"Elsa, please, listen to me, it won't take long, I promise." He looked up at her, meeting her glaring blue eyes. For a moment silence hung between them before she let out a quiet sigh, knowing that she could not wriggle her hand out of his grip, and nodded. "Come sit, please."

And she did sat down, just like what he asked her, though making sure that she was sitting as far as possible from him on the bench. "Make it quick, I have a doctor's appointment."

"I know you hate me, Elsa, I just can't accept it." He began, already she gave him a look of disbelief. "You may not know it as your memories have been erased, but years have passed and many things have happened between us. We love each other."

"Did we?" She questioned, "How could it be possible? How could I love someone who has done what you have done?"

"As you once said to me; love is a funny thing." He said, "It all began from redemption. Then it continued until you're..." his hand gestured to her growing belly. "We created a life, a small little person, with love."

"Well this 'little person' requires me to come to my doctor's appointment." Elsa said theough gritted teeth, visibly upset with what he has just said. He had better try to watch his words more.

"May I come?" He dared himself to ask.

The platinum blonde haired woman, who has stood up from the bench, looked at him in disbelief. "You're pushing your luck too far, Hans. You don't know when to stop." And without even giving him a chance to answer she turned and left.

"But it is my child too."

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