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Four Years Ago

"I'm starting to think that you lied to me."

The auburn haired man lifted his head to look at her as he lowered the book he had been reading. "What makes you think like that?"

"Because," the platinum blonde haired Queen said as she walked further into the library. "It's been a whole year and yet there is no evident that anyone will attack Arendelle."

"That's correct." Hans nodded, closing the book and putting it aside. "That is exactly what they want you to think."

"Oh? Did they now?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in mocked disbelief. "Or is it what /you/ want me to think?"

The Prince resisted the urge to roll his eyes in irritation. A whole year he stayed with a good intention, also watching over /her/ army, yet it seemed that the Queen could not find even the smallest amount of trust in him. "How many times you need me to say that I am no longer have any desire to take over your kingdom?"

"Enough to convince me." She said, face lacking of emotion as she stared down at him. "Though it is very unlikely to happen."

"This conversation is pointless." Hans said as he reached back to the book he has put away, yet a blast of icy blue-colored power has froze it over, forcing him to keep his attention to the woman as he turned his head back to her. "That was unnecessary."

"In this kingdom, I am your Queen. Do not disrespect me." She said, tone full of authority and what he sensed as pride. She was waving her title to him like teasing a dog with bacon. "Now state your real intention. Why warning me about your brothers when you can watch and see me suffer?"

"You really want to know, do you?" He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement on how eager she could possibly be, just like her sister. "I'm seeking for redemption for my sins that I have commited to you and your sister."

His statement surprised her, as she thought that he was not a man capable of asking for forgiveness. Of course she would not have thought that way to others, but he has done wrongs neither she nor her sister could ever forget. "Redemption is not something that could be acquired so easily, Prince Hans."

"And neither did forgiving someone." The auburn haired man said as he approached the Queen, and while she took steps backward to avoid him, he took ones forward to get closer to her. "I know that, Queen Elsa."

With the distance between them only growing smaller as her back has made contact with the bookshelf behind her, Elsa stood her ground, unwilling to show the discomfort she was feeling. "Then you understand the difficulities of it."

"I do." He nodded understandingly. "That is why I do not expect you to forgive me so easily. But please, open your mind and let me prove it to you that I am worth believing. I can change if you give me even a small second chance."

A second chance. Something she was familiar with, someone she had the honor of having, given by her sister whole-heartedly. Everyone deserve a second chance, that was what Anna always said.

"Very well." She said, nodding at their agreement. "But if you ever dare double-crossing me and my family, Hans, then I would not hesitate to take actions."

A quick smile formed on his lips as he finally took a couple steps back, giving her back the personal space he has snatched away from her earlier. "Of course, Your Majesty."

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