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Storybrooke, Maine
Present Day

He has been ignoring the blonde woman standing outside his room that claimed to be the Sheriff in town. She has told him that struggling and trashing around would not help his body to heal, so he stayed silent. But when he caught the sight of platinum blonde hair from the corner of his eyes, his head turned to fast it made him dizzy and blurred his vision.

When his eyes re-adjusted themselves, he could see the clear shock on the woman's face as she looked at him, their eyes locking as he jolted up into a sitting position. "Elsa!"

He tried to get up, but the metal bracelets that attached him to the bed prevent him from running toward his wife. "Elsa! It's me! You're safe!"

"You know him?" Emma asked as both stood in confusion while they looked at the man.

The Queen's head nodded slowly as one of her hand unconsciously traveled down onto her stomach. "He was Anna's ex-fiancé, the one that attempted to take over Arendelle, twice."

"You know, he seems rather glad to see you." The blonde haired woman said as she walked toward the door, hand already on the knob. "Shall we pay him a visit?"

Truth to be told, Elsa has no desire to 'pay him a visit', she would rather just leave the Hospital and away from him, but if Emma had to do her duty as a Sheriff, she was in no place to hold her back. So she nodded and followed the other woman into the room.

"Elsa." The auburn haired man sighed in relief when he saw the two women entered. "I'm so glad you're alright..."

"Why are you here?" The platinum blonde haired woman asked, standing too far than what he would have prefer.

"I'm here because I'm worried about you, about the baby." Hans answered, confusion clear in his voice. What his wife was talking about? How could she question him like that? "We are all."

"Whoa there, what do you mean by 'we'? Are there other people here too?" Emma asked as she stepped forward.

Yet the man shook his head. "No, it's just me. I went to my brothers' camp alone to confront them. Anna and Kristoff didn't know I left."

At the mention of her sister and her brother in-law, Elsa was more intrigued as ever as she approached the bed closer until she stood just beside it. "Anna? Kristoff? Why are you with them in the first place?"

"Elsa, what happened to you?" Hans asked, brows furrowing at her obvious lack of knowledge of what she should have known. "What did these people do to you?"

"All they have been doing is helping me." The Queen of Arendelle hissed. "Now tell me, why are you acting like you care for me more than anything?"

"Because I'm your husband and I love you."

The statement itself was so unbelievable Elsa could laugh, yet the sincere in his eyes and voice took her by a huge surprise she practically took a step back as she balanced herself, once again away from him. "No! It can't be!"

"We've been married for one and a half years..." He did not wish to show to her, or to her apparently new friend, how her denial has hurt him. Her tone reminded him of the burning hate that she has five years ago when he came back to her kingdom, the hate and anger caused by his own actions, when his existence alone has disgusted her.

Her hands turned into fists, cold mist coming up from her icy touch as the temperature in the room decreased.

"Elsa, I think it's best if you wait outside." The blonde Sheriff, who has been quiet during the exchange between the two, stepped up as she put a hand on the Queen's shoulder. "I'll handle it here."

The platinum blonde haired woman didn't even mutter another word, just giving a quick nod as she turned and walked away, ignoring the man calling for her as she exited.

"Conceal," Elsa murmured to herself as she took a deep breath, brows furrowed as she tried to dismiss the icy magic forming in her clutched hands. "Don't feel."

Her memories have been forcefully taken from her, she has being sent into another realm she did not belong away from her kingdom, found unconscious in the middle of the road while she was carrying a child she did not know who the Father was, now the very person that has attempted to take over her kingdom showed up and claimed that he was her husband, that they had been married for one and a half years.

"Don't let it show." She knew she had to be able to control her power by herself, she has done it before, but now she was desperately in need of her sister, or at the very least her gloves.

It took Emma about two minutes before she came out of the room, yet it felt to Elsa like she had been waiting way longer. The Sheriff told her that Hans has refused to give any kind of information without the presence of his wife, which made the Queen shudder in displease at the thought, she did not wish to walk back into the same room as he was in.

And thankfully Emma did not pressure her to. She instead offered for them to stop at Granny's to have some hot cocoa before they headed back to the Loft.

"I know that you won't like to hear this," the blonde said as she drove the yellow bug in town, the taste of hot cocoa and cinnamon still lingered on her tongue. "But Hans seems to be very sincere about worrying about you."

"How can you be so sure?" Elsa asked as she looked out of the window, hand reating on her lap as her thumb caressed her growing belly. "I've told you about what he has done to me, to my sister."

"I know, I know. But don't forget that I have my own superpower. I can tell when someone's lying, remember?"

The platinum blonde haired woman sat in silence. She knew about Emma's superpower, she has witnessed it a couple of times, but to have her friend claiming that Hans was being sincere back at the Hospital... She did not want to believe it.

"I don't trust him, Emma."

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