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Three and a Half Years Ago

"I don't know if I could."

"What is your excuse this time, Your Majesty?"

"Excuse me?" Elsa questioned as she raised an eyebrow at the Admiral who, in her mind, was so full of his own pride. "Is that even the proper way to speak to your Queen?"

"I believe you would have said no." The auburn haired man said as he stood by her desk, hands clasped behind his back. "But I am tired of your excuses, Queen Elsa, especially when you said you are too busy."

"But I am busy, as a Queen, I do have a lot of responsibilities trusted onto me."

"Take a little break then." Hans suggested, "Yes, you are a Queen but you are still human, you need to relax too. Come on, it won't take long."

The platinum blonde haired woman furrowed her brows as she considered the offer. Yes, she had been stressing a lot lately, especially since her scouts had informed that there was indeed an army from the Southern Isles camping outside of Arendelle's territory, small but still an army, and it made her Council restless.

"Fine. I will come with you, just this once." She nodded, accepting his offer as she stood up from her seat. "But do not expect anything other than me overlooking how you have trained my Navy, Admiral."

"Certainly, My Queen."


"This is not a good idea. I shouldn't have agree to this."

"Calm down, Your Majesty." Hans said as he steered the wheel of the ship. "The last thing we need is the Queen throwing up on the deck."

Elsa's brows furrowed as she gripped onto the wooden railing, thin layer of frost starting to spread on it. "Water and I aren't quite compatible."

"So you rarely taken a bath then?" He teased. Quite the opposite, he enjoyed sailing very much, to feel the salty sea air blowing against his face and hair.

But upon not receiving any sort of sharp retort from her, he turned his gaze toward her, eyes widening at the view of how pale she looked. "Jo, take over and get us back to the docks!" He ordered one of the crew before letting go of the wheel and ran down the stairs toward the Queen.

Luckily enough, just as soon as arrived, Elsa collapsed against him, caught and carried by his strong arms to the private quarter.

Lying the woman down on the bed, Hans quickly grabbed an empty bucket, holding it under her chin as she emptied her stomach contain, the smell of vomit rose in the air but he barely mind it.

"We're on our back to the docks, don't worry." He comforted as he put the bucket down and sat on the edge of the bed instead, hand rubbing the Queen's back in large circles. "Forgive me, I should not have push you to come."

"It's alright." Elsa sighed as she massaged her temple. "I have a bit of sea-sick considering it is my first time to sail after so many years."

"It is?"

The Queen nodded, eyes staring at the wooden flooring, anywhere but him. "Ever since the incident with Anna when we were young I rarely ever leave my room, let alone sail somewhere. And then my parents' death made me a little afraid of being at the sea." She finally looked up at the auburn haired man. "Like I've said; water and I aren't quite compatible... But I do take a bath often, mind you."

Hans could not help but chuckle, even when she was in a brink of passing out, she still heard his question. "Of course you do. You always smells nice, unlike the ship crew here. And do not tell them that."

A small smile formed on her lips as she gave a quick nod. "I won't, I promise."

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