Feather Quill

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Three Years Ago

"Hans, give it back!"

They had been spending their afternoon stuck in her study. Or at least she was. The piles of paperworks have prevent her from joining her sister and brother in-law in a stroll at the marketplace. The reason why he had decided to stay with her, she had no idea.

At first she ignored his presence and focused to task in hand while he sat on the armchair at the corner of the room while he read one of the many books in there. All went well between the two of them until the sound of boots meeting the carpeted floor as he made his way toward her made her look up.

Before he snatched the feathered quill from her grasp.

"Or what?" He chuckled, fingers toying with the smooth black feather quill that he has taken from the Queen. "You won't freeze the Admiral of your Navy over a quill, do you?"

"No, I would not have melting ice drips onto the carpet." Elsa grumbled as she made her way toward him in attempt to take the quill back, yet unfortunately he held it up above his head, and it was too far for her to reach. "Hans!"

"I'm doing you a favor, Your Majesty." He could not help but smile at the glaring Queen. "You need to take a break."

"I will, when I'm finished."

"With a pile that high?" Hans scoffed at the pile of papers stacked on the desk. "You will be finished at midnight."

"So be it."

"Then I will not return it."

The platinum blonde haired Queen gave him a disapproving frown, yet he still stood his ground. She jumped then, in hope that she could grab her quill, yet her attempt remain furtile. Instead, she was lacking balance when she landed, fortunately his strong arm prevent her from falling, automatically pressing her body flushed against his chest as he kept her on her feet.

She could practically feel the deep blush crawling onto her face as she looked up at him, realizing just how close they were, his face just mere inches away from her own.

It was either he leaned down or she leaned up, she wasn't quite sure nor that she cared at the moment, but the moment their lips touched her eyes fluttered close. The kiss was slightly awkward, as both minds couldn't quite understand what was happening just yet, and did not last long.

Their lips parted and both the Queen and the Admiral were supporting deep blush on their faces as they stared at each other, too flustered to even speak before having their lips interlocked with each other again, this time it was sweet as their took their time to adjust with this new direction of their relationship.

And the knock on the door startled them both as both quickly stepped away from each other. Elsa attempted to make sure that she looked decent, though the lack of mirror and her racing heart made it almost impossible as she rushed toward the door while Hans bent down to pick the fallen quill on the floor.

"Yes?" She addressed as she opened the door, just big enough for her to poke her head out. Not quite Queenly, but she was in no way having someone questioned the presence of the Admiral in her study while she looked so flustered.

"Queen Elsa," Kai bowed respectfully, "Your sister and her husband have returned from town. And it is almost dinner time."

"Ah, of course." She nodded knowingly, remembering that she did asked Kai to inform her when Anna and Kristoff came back. "I will be down shortly."

"Have you seen Admiral Westerguard, Your Majesty?" The trusted advisor asked, "As I can't seem to find him."

"I will tell him about dinner if I see him." Elsa gave a small smile to the middle aged man before her. "Is there anything else?"

"No, Your Majesty." Kai shook his head. "Though your lipstick is a bit smudged."

Elsa couldn't help the widening of her eyes while Kai could also barely hide the amused and knowing smile on his face as he left. Closing the door, the Queen leaned back against the wooden surface as she looked at the auburn haired Prince. "Does my lipstick smudged?"

Hans, who had been listening to the brief exchange between her and older man earlier, could not help but chuckle as he approached her, wiping the corner of her lips clean with a smile. "A little, yes."

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