Are you ready for this?

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For the past month I have been working on growing my business and especially my internet presence. I have been working on getting my website up and running so I can start selling my photographs. I also put a blogging section in there to talk about my 2 years overseas but I am just not sure I am actually going to do anything with it. I am not particularly good at writing. I promised myself once I got the website up I would take a trip to the places in Canada I haven't been to yet and do some shooting around there. I also have plans to put an "At Home" (it's a temporary title) section of the website to showcase my pictures from right here at home. It's been hard work but I finally think I am getting the hang of all of this. It was suggested to me to start an Instagram page to showcase my work and get my name out there but I am so afraid of people stealing my photos that I haven't done that yet.

Tyler and I have kept in touch mostly through texts. He's been so busy with work and so have I so we don't get a lot of time to talk. It's better than what we used to have which was no contact at all. He is going to be coming home for Christmas, which doesn't always get to happen so I am thankful for that. I don't know exactly how much time we will be able to spend together. I am sure his family wants to see him and I am still trying to catch up for lost time with my family. I just can't wait to see him, though, and spend some real time with him. There are a few things I need to get off my chest if we are going to continue the way we are. We have been really flirty. It's kind of disgusting. We always used to play around when we were younger but this is different. This is real. It makes me a little nervous how he's been making me feel. I haven't felt like this about anyone before.

Tyler is coming home for the holidays and I know that today he is going to spend most of his time with his family but he said he would stop by later when he can so I am just sitting around waiting for him to text me to say that he is on his way. I don't have plans with my family until tomorrow so today is just basically me waiting on him to be free. He only has 3 days at home before he has to go back. I feel like that is not enough time at all to have any real time with him. I want to be selfish and say I want to spend all of that time with him but I know that isn't possible. His family is most important to him. I haven't been in his life in 6 years. That just wouldn't be right. I do feel like we need to make up for lost time somehow but that's not how life works. I have to make the best of the time we have together right now.

AnnMarie is out with her mom and sister so I have the house all to myself. I spend it trying to work on writing something for the blog for my website. I wanted to start with France and more specifically Paris. Paris is such a famous location that I figure showcasing it first would draw people in. I just hope it works. I have the pictures up and that's all fine and good but when it comes down to sitting down and writing about my experiences I just get lost. I probably should have been taking notes but I didn't know at the time that this is what I wanted to try to do. I'm sure it will come to me, it will just take time.

I am just about to give up hope that he will be able to break away and come see me tonight when he sends me a text that he is on his way. I am still on the computer and it's almost 10pm. I have been working on the website all day and I don't feel like I have gotten anywhere. At least my store is up and running. Now I just need customers. When I feel like Tyler is probably almost here I shut the computer down and sit down on the couch and relax a bit before he gets here. I look down at what I am wearing and laugh. I am not even trying to look somewhat decent. I have these torn up jeans on and a t-shirt I've probably had since 6th grade. I should probably change. I unlock the door so Tyler can just walk in when he gets here and go into my bedroom to change my clothes. I send Tyler a text to let him know.

Amy : The door is open. I need to change.

I take off the jeans and shirt and stand in my open closet in my underwear trying to figure out what to wear. I don't even know why I am making such a big deal about this. This is Tyler. He's seen me in just about everything. I know I don't have to try to impress him but I want to look nice. I pick out my go to black skinny jeans and a low cut v-neck that I have not actually had the guts to walk out of the house in since I bought it. I have planned to wear it a few times but every time I put it on I feel like it's just too much and wind up taking it off and putting it back in the closet. I feel the most comfortable with Tyler so I might as well put it to good use. Plus, I mean, it's very low cut so I know he'll enjoy it.

Ready For Love : Tyler Seguin Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now