A Quiet Christmas

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The alarm goes off just an hour and a half after we fell asleep. Tyler groans as we both wake up. "It can't be time already," I say as I pick up my phone to turn the alarm off.

"You don't really have to see your family today right?"

"My mom already hates you, I think missing Christmas to be with you won't help that much."

"She's got to get over it some time. She used to love me."

"Do you have a time machine to go back in time and not shatter my heart into a million pieces? Because that's what it's going to take."

"I'll figure something out. In the meantime I guess I should get going."

"You don't want to shower first? You know, wash all of the sex off?"

"No, I'll keep it on for a bit."

"Ok that's disgusting and adorable all at the same time."

He gets out of bed and starts grabbing his clothes off of the headboard and starts to get dressed. I lie in bed and watch him. He looks up, we lock eyes, and I smile. He smiles back and walks over to me and kisses me softly. I put my hands up his shirt and rub his stomach up to his chest and back down. He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. "I would love to stay and let you feel me up but I have to go."

"I'll text you later when I am home. Maybe we can hang out for a bit."

"OK. I'll see you later. Have fun today. Tell your mom I say hi." He grins wide.

"Don't be mad if I forget to do that."

I put my sweatpants and shirt on so I can walk him out to his car. I want to take him by the hand and pull him back inside. I am not ready to let him go just yet. I feel like we don't have enough time to spend together. He's going to be leaving after tomorrow and I don't know when I'll be able to see him again. He leans his back against the car and pulls me close. "I'll see you soon.," he says and kisses me on the top of my head. I step back and allow him to get into the car. He gets in, turns the car on, rolls down the window. "I love you."

"I love you too, Ty." He backs out of the driveway and I watch him drive down the block until he is out of sight.

After I take a shower and get dressed I get in my car and drive the 20 minute drive to my parents' house. The house I grew up in. The house I have had so many amazing memories in. I love going back and just sitting in the back yard and remembering all the crazy stuff I used to do. Tyler and I were always running around and causing trouble. My favorite memories are the ones that he is in. I pull up and see my dad outside waiting for me. He waves as I park the car on the street and starts walking towards me. I get out of the car and run to him and give him a big hug. You would think we haven't seen each other in months but it's only been since last week.

"Merry Christmas, daddy," I say as we squeeze each other hard. I am a true daddy's girl. If you looked up daddy's girl in the dictionary a picture of me would be there. He always says I've had him wrapped around his finger ever since he saw the first sonogram picture. He is the one who got me into hockey. He actually was Tyler's coach when he was a kid. We always would go to the games together and he used to teach me about why certain players would do certain things. It's why I look at hockey differently than most people.

He puts his arm around my shoulders and we go inside. My mom is in the kitchen checking on the baked ziti in the oven. Baked ziti is my favorite thing that she makes and she always makes it whenever I come over. "Everything smells amazing," I say as I give her a hug, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Amy, it's good to have you home for this holiday."

I am an only child and it was not easy getting my parents to let me go off on my own to Europe but I would have gone no matter what they would have said. The hardest part was explaining to them why I wouldn't have a way for anyone to contact me. It was something I had to do on my own. No distractions. It was the only way to truly find myself and find my voice through my art. I wasn't sure I would be able to do it at first but once I kept so busy that I found I didn't need to always be connected. Don't get me wrong, I love cell phones and the internet and being able to have my friends just a finger tap away, but it was nice to be disconnected from it all for those 2 years. I would never have met the amazing people I met just by looking up and living.

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