Lack of Communication

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It's always sad when the hockey season comes to an end. Well technically the season is done for me. The Leafs and Stars both didn't make the playoffs. Of course I'll be watching all of the post season hockey but it's not the same as if your team is in it. Since Tyler didn't make the playoffs I went ahead and booked a trip for us to go to Hawaii. I've been wanting to go there for work anyway so I can get some nice alone time in with Tyler and get some work done as well. I can't wait to tell him. I've been so excited to surprise him with the trip but I wanted to wait until the season was over. I booked us a 2 week vacation. That gives us plenty of time to spend together, just the two of us relaxing.

My dad and I had such a good time at the Leafs game. It had been such a long time, before I left for Europe, since we've seen a hockey game together. We used to go together all the time when I was younger. He's the reason I fell in love with hockey. Sometimes he would take both Tyler and I but most of the time it was just the two of us. It was an exciting game and the Leafs wound up winning which was just the perfect end to the season. After the game I was able to see Jonathan Bernier and he practically ran over to me and hugged me. I introduced him to my dad and I think my dad was in awe that I actually am friends with him. Jonathan told my dad how much he appreciates me and he made me blush a little. I'm going to miss him over the summer but October will be here before we know it.

I just got off the phone with Harold. He's been trying to get some advertising firms to use my photos but so far we haven't had any luck selling. My website has been getting pretty popular and I've had a bunch of sales from it which always makes me happy. I went around Brampton shooting some of my favorite spots for the At Home page of my website and I almost have it all put together. It's more personal than the other stuff on my website but that's what I like so much about it. People can learn about me and all the beautiful things about Brampton that inspired me to become a Photographer.

The Google alerts start going off like crazy on my phone and I pick it up to see what's going on. I really only have one Google alert set up and that's for any articles about Tyler. I start to see articles pouring in about how Tyler has been named to the Canadian World Championship team and he's going to be going to Prague to play in the World Championships. I can't believe he didn't tell me about this before it was announced to the world. I'm sure he knew days ago that he would be going. I'm livid right now. I booked that Hawaii trip and now he's not even going to be able to come with me. The whole reason why I waited until now is so that we could go together.

I pick up my phone to call him but I decide to text him instead. I'm so pissd off right now that I don't know what I'd say if I were on the phone with him. He always does this, make decisions without telling me first. He could have told me that he was considering playing and I would have held off in booking my trip. The fact that he's supposed to be using the off season to rest his knee, which isn't 100 percent yet, is also weighing on my mind.

Amy : it's nice to hear that my boyfriend is going to Prague from Google and not from him

Tyler : shit

My phone starts going off but I hit ignore. I don't want to talk to him right now. He always does this to me. He never communicates when it's important stuff like this. I don't know how many times I tell him I hate to find out from the media first and yet he continues to let it happen.

Tyler : talk to me, please

Amy : you do not want to hear what I have to say

Tyler : let me talk then

Amy : It's a little too late for that, Tyler.

Tyler : I'll keep calling until you answer

Amy : Don't make me turn my phone off

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