A Broken Cycle

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You sat there in your little cubicle, waiting for this long day at work to end already. You worked at a magazine publisher, and the magazine was called 'Now'. It was about all things popular in pop culture, and sometimes touching on other countries and stuff. It was focused for teens and young adults, so you felt like this job would be great for you, since you were 20. But you barely got a chance to do things like writing articles. Your job was to edit the finished article and send it back to the main office so they could make the last changes before they printed the magazine.

You knew your job was important, and at least you weren't the poor soul who ran around the office, getting people coffee and sorting stacks of papers. Your paycheck was actually decent, making around $500 to $1,000 a week at the most, so you worked your best.

You sat there staring blankly at the monitor in on your desk. You had nothing to do since you finished the last article that needed editing for the day, so you watched YouTube as you waited for your shift to end. You went on your YouTube account and looked through the suggested videos on the home page. You passed many YouTubers you constantly watched, like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Lui Calibre, Wildcat, MiniLadd, Pewdiepie, and more. You were looking for your favorite, VanossGaming. His videos could always make you laugh, no matter how depressed you were that day.

Before you could watch a video, you looked at the time and realized that your shift was now over and you were finally free to leave. A sigh escaped your lips as you stood from the wheeled office chair and down to the women's restroom. You quickly went in and into a stall and grabbed your second clothes from your bag. You hated the outfits you were forced to wear while at work, being mostly blouses and pencil skirts. You felt a deep hatred toward skirts, so you quickly changed into your faded and ripped skinny jeans. You took off your ugly blouse and put on your Vanoss shirt, with the epic night owl logo on it. Wearing it made you feel a warm sensation, so you wore it often. I guess you could say it was your favorite shirt.

You put on a black beanie and a black jacket. It was supposedly cold outside today, which was weird for LA but you didn't ever worry about the weather. You slid on your brown combat boots last and shoved the ugly office clothes back into your bag.

The bathroom door opened with a creak as you exited, and walked down toward the elevator. On the way, you stopped to say bye to a friend of yours, who's name was Hunter. She had many interests that you also had; anime, video games, YouTube, ect. She chuckled when she saw your VanossGaming shirt and waved back at you as you neared the elevators.


You walked out of the large glass doors of the building, and looked up at it. It towered over you, and shimmered with the sunlight shining on the hundreds of windows along its walls. Looking at it, you realized that the sunlight was becoming a pinkish-red, letting you know that the sun had begun to set.

You cursed to yourself, slightly worried. Walking alone at night on the streets of LA wasn't a smart thing to do, ever. You never wanted to do it after your friend's neighbor disappeared about two weeks ago, while she walked alone on the street at night.

You took off in a sprint toward the direction of your apartment complex, huffing as you continued to run down the street. It was about 15 blocks away, so it wasn't exactly close, but you felt like you could use the exercise. You weren't overweight or anything, actually you were the complete opposite. You just felt like you could use more exercise to become slightly healthier, but like that was gonna last long.

You had passed a few blocks and slightly slowed down, almost completely out of breath. You could barely hear someone following close behind you over your loud breaths. The footsteps seemed to follow yours, the slower or faster you got they followed suit.

Worry and panic threatened to overcome you, but you kept calm. This person could just be going the same direction you were; you didn't want to assume anything just yet.

You continued, and you came to where you could see your apartment building. But wait, the person was still close behind you. You couldn't go home because if this person was following you, they would know where you lived. You had to do something different for today; you had to break the endless daily cycle you grew too used to.

You passed the building, saddened. All you wanted to do was lay in bed and read or something, but you knew that wasn't a wise thing to do in this situation. You had to remain headstrong and keep carrying your legs down the sidewalk.

You finally couldn't handle it any longer. You were angry, hungry, and tired. The last time you had food was 6 hours ago, and you could hear your stomach growl angrily at you, as if it were yelling at you to get it some food.

You stopped briskly and turned on your heel, your (h/l) (h/c) hair flowing around. You were about to yell at the person, but the breath was knocked out of your lungs and you forgot to breathe for a split second. Your (e/c) eyes grew wide as you continued to stare at the man in front of you. Disbelief filled you as you stated blankly at him.

"Hello miss," Pewdiepie waved.

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