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You threw your hands up in defeat, knowing if you defiled him it could be your last breath. You could see Evan and the others come closer, but there wasn't much they could do to assist. You were being cornered, like you were Felix's prey.

They came closer, and you saw a shimmer of hope. It was dim, and if you were to perform it wrong you could very well be killed. But you had to remain headstrong. All the training leading up to this should've paid off.

"Move closer and I'll kill her," Felix snarled at them as they formed in front of the spectacle.

"F-Felix," you mumbled.

"What?" He asked, ticked off.

"I'll go with you," you spoke without stuttering to avoid suspicion. He was behind you, but you knew he had a shocked expression across his face. The others around you also looked at you like you were crazy, but they'll understand soon.

"You can't!" Evan yelled, trying to keep his composure. His heart was breaking, and you could hear it in his voice. He promised to protect you, and here you were giving in to the enemy.

"Let (y/n) do what she wishes!" Felix spat at Evan. You turned so you could catch a glimpse of him. His finger was off the trigger, but it remained pointing at your head.

You acted swiftly, moving your arm in a quick sweep to the left to knock his gun from his hand. The table of throwing knives was within arms reach, so you grabbed one and tackled him to the ground. The knife was pointed at his throat, nearly grazing his skin.

You heard rushing steps inching closer and looked up to see Evan coming over, followed by everyone who was still standing. You stood when Craig and Jack came over to contain Felix. Evan grabbed his gun from the grass and looked at you. A smile stretched across his tanned face and you grinned back at him.

"You scared me for a second," he said with relief.

"You should know by now, especially after all we've been through, that I'd never leave you," you said as you came closer to him. He embraced you with a sigh. Both of you were sweaty and fatigued, but you didn't care. It was all finally over.

"The cops are coming in a few minutes," Tyler informed Evan.

"Good," he smiled to you, "We can finally relax and live a normal life again."

His remark made you frown. It's time to go back into the endless cycle; the thing you despised. This was the first exhilarating event that you've experienced since your teenage years, and you didn't want to end it so soon. I mean, you were glad that it was all over, but at the same time it brought some good into your world.

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