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The next morning, you woke up in Evan's arms again. You were both clothed, which disappointed you slightly. You wished that the magical kiss you two shared last night would flourish into something, but you two just wound up sleeping after that. Silently, you scolded yourself for not making a move.

"Morning," you turned to see Evan barely awake, still laying his head on his pillow. His black hair was a little messy and his eyes had bags under them, but to you, he had never looked more handsome.

"Still tired?" You giggled as you made an attempt to fix your messy (h/c) hair.

"I was. But then I looked at you."

"So cheesy," you laughed at him. He gave you a playful grin and sat up, stretching. His muscles grew as his arms bent, and you caught yourself staring.


You both went into the living room to see Marcel, sitting on the couch with a large smile on his face.

"There's the two lovebirds!" He joked. You blushed at his remark, and Evan put his arm over your shoulder.

"Yeah. How are you feeling man?" Evan asked him.

"I'm feeling so much better. I may even feel good enough for some training."

No, a few more days before that. Pace yourself."

"Okay, dad," Marcel blurted in a sassy tone as you tried to stifle your laughter.

"Ay, breakfast is ready!" Nogla called from the kitchen.

"Finally! I've been starving," Jack whined as he came down the hall and into the kitchen, followed by the rest of the guys.


After you all got done stuffing your faces, Evan ordered for everyone but Delerious and Marcel to do some hardcore training. Everyone has improved since you first got into this YouTube mess, but Evan knew it wasn't  good enough to go against Felix just yet.

Evan walked around and gave everyone constructive criticism as you all were training. He was most qualified to do it, being the strongest and most-skilled at the weapons they had.

"Jack, pull the bow string to your face! Don't be scared of it man! Lui, more power in your stabbing! Mark, shoot the gun with both eyes open!" He continued to march around and help everyone.

He came to where you were throwing knives, still watching the guys as he neared you. He sighed as he stood by you and watched you throw a knife and hit the target in the center.

"Having fun babysitting?" You smiled playfully at him as you picked up another knife.

"It's hard work, but we're improving and that's all that matters," he replied.

"Yeah. We're better at this compared to when we started," you threw another knife and it hit a little to the left of the center. You cursed under your breath and grabbed another knife.

"I can see you've improved well," he commented as he watched you hit another bullseye.

"I'm still struggling a bit, but I've gotten better."

Evan was about to respond, but was cut off by the loud sound of a helicopter above you. He looked up, and you followed suit. The others also stopped their training to look at the helicopter flying closer and closer. You could barely see a figure jump out and deploy a parachute. The sun blazed down on your face as you watched the silhouette get closer to the ground.

"The hell?" Evan whispered.

The person finally landed on the ground with weapons along his black suit and a rifle in his hand.

"It's Felix! Everyone attack!" Evan yelled as he grabbed a knife and threw it at Felix. He tried to dodge it but got cut in the cheek. The others were standing there like statues, fixated on what he was about to do. He stood up, not even worried about the gash that began to ooze thick blood.

"Now now, why can't we just talk about this?" He smiled mischievously at Evan, then diverted his gaze to you. A cold shiver ran up and down your spine as his blue eyes stared into your (e/c) eyes.

"Why are you all just standing there? Shoot this bitch!" Even yelled as he pulled out his pistol and fired some bullets at Felix. The others collected their weapons and began to shoot at Felix, who started to run to the house. He threw a grenade behind him and the guys had a short time to react. Mark got blown off his feet by the explosion and Cartoonz did as well.

"(Y/n)! Help them! Everyone else follow me!" Evan yelled as he continued to Felix's direction and began shooting like crazy.

They all ran off and left you alone to deal with Cartoonz and Mark. You could hear their guns and yells as you grabbed the first aid kit nearby and began to assist the two.

You got finished wrapping their burns and treating them. The loud fighting had subsided, so you hoped the battle was finally over.

"Please let it be the end," you quietly spoke.

"It's far from over, I'm afraid," you felt a warm hand around your neck and a gun pointed to your head.

"Scream and you're dead," Felix whispered into your ear, his warm breath grazing your ear.

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