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The car engine died as Evan parked in the garage. A heard of guys got out of the car, and you exited after the large group of YouTubers were out of the truck. You laughed as they all pushed through the door like children, racing to get to the Mario Kart tournament.

"Can you help me with the weapons (y/n)?" Evan asked from behind you. You turned on your heel and looked down at the stacks of weapons in his hands.

"Sure," you said as you grabbed the rest of the weapons from the car.

He walked in front of you as he went into the house and into the living room. He went into a door, that you paid no attention to before, and stepped aside to allow you to enter first. You went in, and was greeted by stairs leading down.

A basement? How come I never knew this was here?

You continued down the carpeted stairs, and heard Evan following close behind. You stepped down and looked around to see it was filled with weapons and other various equipment. Evan walked over to a table and set the weapons down onto it.

"I can sort them out later. For now, just leave them all here," he looked up and looked into your eyes. You stared back for a second, before looking down with blush on your face.

You both went back to the living room to hear the guys bickering back and forth. You could see Mark sitting on the couch, on his phone ignoring the fighting. You saw Delerious and Craig and Tyler were getting into an argument.

"What's going on?" Evan yelled over the shouting.

"Tyler wants to play Mario Kart, but he played last time!" Delerious pointed to Tyler.

"But I want to play! Craig has also already played!" Tyler shouted back.

"Woah, woah, calm down everyone. If you guys need two more players, I could play," Evan folded his arms and awaited for a response.

"Ok, but we still need one more," Marcel stated.

"What about (y/n)?" Nogla pointed to you. The statement caught you off-guard, and you stared at him quietly.

"Have you played before?" Delerious asks. You nodded in response.

"Ok. Looks like we have our players," Evan said as he came over to the couch. You followed him and sat beside him. Delerious handed you a remote and turned the console on.

He started up the game and went to four player mode. He stopped at the screen that said 'Single Player Racing' and 'Team Racing'.

"I have an idea," he chuckled, "Let's team race. Two on each team."

You looked over to Mark, then Evan. They shrugged their shoulders in response and you turned back to Delerious.

"Ok, let's do it," you said to him.

He selected team racing, and the character selection screen came up. You selected Rosalina, and the others selected their characters. Evan picked Luigi (No surprise), Mark picked baby Mario, and Delerious picked Waluigi.

We continued and came to the screen that let us choose between red team and blue team.

"Who teams with who?" Mark asked.

"I call Mark!" Delerious waved his controller in the air. You looked over at Evan, realizing this meant you two would be on a team. Your face began to feel hot as you looked at him. Your arms trailed over to his muscular arms, and you had to forcefully peel your eyes away from his form.

The racing began and you had a rough start. You did the beginning boost cheat, but you were trailing behind. Evan was first, which was good for your team. You collected a box and got three mushrooms, and you used them to boost to fourth place.

Delerious was too focused on eliminating Evan that he hardly took notice of your character passing him into third place. You rounded a corner with a hard turn left, and you collected another box. You received three bananas, and used the camera to peer behind you.

"You bitch! Where'd you come from?" Delerious laughed as he finally noticed you in front of him. You waited until he was right behind your character, turning around every so often to perfectly line up the shot. You quickly placed a banana and watched Waluigi spin out of control. You left the other two bananas on your back for protection from any oncoming shells, and continued. You earned a round of cheers from the others who were watching the game.

"Shiiiit!" He yelled.

"Ha, she got you good," Mark laughed.

"You're supposed to be on my team man. That's messed up!" He laughed.


It was down to the last race. You and Evan were behind Mark and Delerious on blue team by ten points. You were doing well, until blue team destroyed your team and sent most of your teammates into lower ranks in the previous race.

Mark requested the course Bowser Castle 3, and you couldn't help but laugh to yourself. They chose your favorite map, and the one you did the best on.

It was a slow round at first, with you in fifth place during the first lap. Things got intense after Mark managed to get a red shell and used it to hit Evan off the edge and into lava.

You turned a corner and saw baby Mario driving by the edge of the map. You drove up to him and smacked the side of his car, sending him into lava.

You laughed as Mark moaned angrily. You were now in second, and Evan wasn't far behind you. You passed a computer player with a boost, and spotted the racer in first.


You drove up a ramp and shook your remote, causing Rosalina to do a flip and get a boost. You came close to Delerious, but you had nothing to hit his character with.

You peeked a look at Evan's screen and saw he was in third, behind you. You looked back up and noticed it was lap 3.

Your character came beside Delirious's character and you both were near lava. You moved your remote to the right, taking Delerious over the edge, and yourself. You watched at Evan sped past you and crossed the finish line in first. Your character made a quick recovery right in front of Delerious, and you barely made second place.

"Come on! I'm calling bull!" He yelled as he finished in third, Mark following behind.

"That was epic! She sacrificed first so Evan could get it and led her team to victory!" Marcel pumped his fist in the air, hyped up because of the spectacle he just witnessed.

You giggled as your team was awarded first place. Evan stood up and began to cheer, and a few others did the same.

"That sacrifice was amazing!" Tyler yelled.

You stood up by Evan and he immediately pulled you into a tight and warm embrace. You felt your face heat up as he continued to hug you. He released finally and smiled at you.

Delerious stood, and you turned to face him.

"Good game," you said as you smiled. You held your hand out to him so he could shake it, and he did.

"Gg. I demand a rematch later," he laughed.

"You're on," you chuckled back.

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